wellings1991 - Comments

#114064 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
14 years ago
2 years ago
When i try to download it, it shows on my computer with a symbol of a blank piece of paper not a zipped folder...... and when i try to open it it says 'Windows cannot open the file...' and that Windows needs to know what programme i want to use to open it.... HELP!?!?!?
#114061 England - Premier League SS'2013/14
14 years ago
2 years ago
*Windows cannot open this file..... To open this file windows needs to know what programme you want to use to open it.... etc etc....
#114060 England - Premier League SS'2013/14
14 years ago
2 years ago
This doesnt work!!! After downloading the file i am not presented with a '.zip' folder, it is a symbol like a blank piece of paper and then when i click on it i cannot open it and it says that i need to use the internet to find which programme created it or something???? HELP??!!!