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#815024 How can I find a match ID in FM?
'm currently working on building a third-party tool, and I want to find out how to get the ID values for matches in Football Manager.
The fact that we can see things like the Data Hub or the results of past matches means that past match results are stored in the database. Stats like the number of shots, pass completion rates, etc., seem to be saved based on the match ID. But I have no idea how to find these IDs.
#806410 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 3D'2023/24 by bolid74
Thank you for looking up information about Glossop for me last time. This time, I'm looking for uniform about Brockenhurst FC's . Could you help me with that?
#806407 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 SS'2023/24
brockenhurst FC !
#804404 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 3D'2023/24 by bolid74
Oh, it really exists!
Thank you so much for kindly letting me know!
#804379 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 3D'2023/24 by bolid74
Hello, I would like to express my gratitude for your efforts.
I am a Korean user who made a paid purchase to use the kit you created.
I have used the kits for the 7th and 8th leagues extensively and even promoted them in the FM community in Korea. Thank you.
I noticed from a comment that you don’t plan to create kits for the 9th and 10th leagues.
However, would it be possible for you to create just the kit for this team in the 9th league?
#804230 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 SS'2023/24
Are there any plans to create uniforms for 9th-tier teams?
I'm trying to learn how to make uniforms on my own, but it's really difficult