RoboBrouk_cz - Comments

#613340 [FM 21] Vince Skin Pro + Vince Skin Pro Low Res. v.1.4 Up. 09/01/2021
18 years ago
2 months ago
Simply the best
#576506 Vincechup Skin FM 21 V1.1
18 years ago
2 months ago
Thanks for the update, it fixed the tactics screen and some other issues. But I´ve got a new issue with this new version.

In any player attribute screen, I´ve got Contract info cut in half so I cannot read it (you can see it down in the picture below):
#575964 Material Skin 2.0.21 V2.1 [FULL TEAM NAME IN MATCH SCOREBOARD] by
18 years ago
2 months ago
For change the color attributes you can go in preferences -> Skin Colour option and change it from there and choose the colours you prefer 🙂

Yeah I know about changing the attributes colors in settings, thats why I said that my issue is with the stars.

Btw. do you plan add faces to the tactics screen?

Beside this the skin is really great.
#575883 Material Skin 2.0.21 V2.1 [FULL TEAM NAME IN MATCH SCOREBOARD] by
18 years ago
2 months ago
I really like this skin but I have two issues. Firstly it would be great add faces to the tactics screen, it is imho much better.

And I really don´t like color of the stars. I understand that it fits design of whole skin like this but I need more contrast for this (same with color attributes but you can easily change it in settings). Is there any way so I can add default stars to this skin or not?
#575283 Vincechup Skin FM 21 V1.1
18 years ago
2 months ago
Yep it would be great update it because this skin is perfect for me beside this problem in the tactics screen.
#365872 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
18 years ago
2 months ago

if you want change colour, or things, let me know

That amazing, thanks!

Can you just make a two little tweaks and send both versions to me:

1) do it without "lightning" (upper half is lighter and bottom half darker), just plain white and red
2) again without lightning and put there just the Sokol emblem centered above falcon

Thanks mate, really great work!
#365808 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
18 years ago
2 months ago
Hello guys, I need fantasy logo. It's free up to your creativity, just a few things - there must be falcon (I don't care if just head or whole body) and ideally you can compose there these Sokol letters from image below or just name Sokol Bučovice:

Colour should be blue or red, but I don't care, I can change these colours even by myself.

Thanks a lot.
#308167 USA: NFL - all 32 NFL teams with MLS rules including all of the drafts
18 years ago
2 months ago
Why release it without real NFL players? Boring
#287690 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
18 years ago
2 months ago
Hello, I need make logo for our football club FC Bučovice. There must three towers from this crest (its logo of our city which our main sponsor):

Colours are up to you (I can edit them by myself, so thats okay, but it should be blue, but more darker, not so bright). There even dont have to be the shape of this crest, only the towers. Everything is up to you, more creative better, I just need the three towers. If two or three of you can make some design and my team choose the best. Thanks a lot!