manutd100 - Comments

#658496 Reduced Injuries file (50%)
14 years ago
6 months ago

Back by popular demand…if you're anything like me, you find that the rate of injuries in-game can be an impediment to enjoying the game (even if injuries accrue at approximately 80 percent of what is seen in real life).


At the same time, you aren’t willing to use the editor to “wipe away” injuries or otherwise give yourself an advantage over the AI.


The solution? Use an editor file which reduces injuries by 50%, across the board, meaning that: (1) injuries will still occur, but a reduced rate; and (2) the benefit accrues to all teams and players, not just your own.


Available for FM21 and FM22,

#576896 FM 21 Reduced Injuries File
14 years ago
6 months ago
if you're anything like me, you recognize that the injuries in-game are a reasonable approximation of real life...but nevertheless want to tone it down a bit.

This year, instead of waiting for someone else to put one together, I dove into the editor myself and put together a file which reduces the occurrence of injuries across the board by ~50%.

Meaning two things. First, few injuries. Second, no advantage to the player-controlled team over the AI.

Decided to add a link to it here in case anyone else was looking for this: details and download available here.