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#781926 No transfer in the first season
el bacaton
in the editor data file (sorry that I took so long to respond)
#779468 Incredible 4-3-3 w/ 2 dms
el bacaton
If your team needs 2 DMs in the roles, you could turn that left back into an inverted fullback, and turn that half back into a DM (role), and just copy the instructions of the other. I think it should work.
#779467 Incredible 4-3-3 w/ 2 dms
el bacaton
Not exactly 2 DMs, but like there is 2 players there in the DM position, but not on the role.
#741155 FM23-Real league fixtures and results [WIP] Read the opening post for nations included
el bacaton
Thanks, I’ll try to do this
#741141 FM23-Real league fixtures and results [WIP] Read the opening post for nations included
el bacaton
Always when I start a save, my transfer budget is 0, and even when I tested using the in-game editor the value doesn't increase. This is not only in my club, it happens in every other club as well.
#739112 Retro Database 2012-13 for FM23
el bacaton
I think that you have to use InGameEditor