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#800275 Kryvbas third kit
Very prompt) They played a match just yesterday and the update was already posted.
Thank you for your work!
#799902 Ukraine D9 24-25 by SIR.CO -- FM24.3
Oh, this is a very interesting and complex topic)
Professional football in Ukraine starts with the 3rd division (Second League), followed by amateur teams starting with the Amateur League and ending with district competitions (Regional and then District).
Teams that become professional and move to the Second League are not necessarily the winners of the Amateur League, but in order to apply for the Second League, you must play 1 season in the Amateur League. Another interesting nuance is that the Professional and Amateur leagues are held in the autumn-spring season, and all lower regional and district seasons are held in the spring-autumn season, so teams that want to apply to the Amateur League finish the regional competitions until autumn (in fact, they play in both leagues at the same time). Each region has a different number of regional leagues from 1 to 4, and in areas where there are military operations, championships are not held for security reasons from russian shelling. Large cities also have city championships separately from the regional ones (Kyiv, Dnipro, possibly others). Each region has a different number of teams in its championships. There are also regional and district cups. The Spring Cup is played before the championship and the Autumn Cup is played after the championship. They are regional, city and district. After the regions, there are district competitions with their own federations. There are no direct transitions between district and regional competitions, teams apply for the championship where they can finance the club. There are no premiums in the championships either, clubs pay an entry fee at the beginning of the season, and the amount increases according to the level of the championship (oblast, rayon).
Given all of the above, there is no editor yet that can reproduce all of this in the game)
#799776 Ukraine D9 24-25 by SIR.CO -- FM24.3
Ні, це версія все в одному
No, this is an all-in-one version
#799740 Ukraine D9 24-25 by SIR.CO -- FM24.3
Так, тут включені трансфери за літнє трансферне вікно для D1-D3, які робили San4o та Electro в своєму апдейті, нижчі ліги без оновлень.
Yes, the transfers for the summer transfer window for D1-D3 that San4o and Electro made in their update are included here, the lower leagues are not updated.
#799601 FC'12 Ukraine NT kits 2024-25
Great job