joxjox1 - Comments

#794455 FM24 UID FINDER(SKIN+config)
1 year ago
6 months ago

IT doesn't WORK for me with fm24.3 update


After i reveal the hidden id using your skin ,and copy the Assistant ID


here is the step by step which did not working for me  :


1.i copy the assistant id


2.i open the folder of 'Personal Assistant's Face Changer" , and open the XML file and put my ID on that note : 


<!-- picture mappings -->

<!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics files from the correct places -->


<list id="maps">

<record from="2002065158" to="graphics/pictures/person/r-2002065158/portrait"/>

<record from="2002065159" to="graphics/pictures/person/r-2002065159/portrait"/>

<record from="2002110316" to="graphics/pictures/person/r-2002110316/portrait"/>




2. and after that,i save as type : Word 2003 XML


3.i put my assistant picture to folder "Personal Assistant's Face Changer" at  Footballmanager2024>graphic , then change the name of the photo with that id : 2002065158


4.i follow your note : 

After completing all the steps, select your usual skin by clicking FM > Skins.

Check the box for “Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences” and click “Reload Skin”.


but it still doesn't work , the assistant picture still the same, nothing change 



any solution for this issue ?