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#125299 Shedender's Journeyman Career
Tom Hopper certainly isn't goal-shy! KIU
#39596 Audere est Facere
#29744 Getting Around Europe Quicker Than Shedender
#28804 Lost The Passion
#25192 Patch 13.1.3
#18305 FM 13 - Amusing Screenshots Thread
They better be some nice seats.
Edit: Evidently I can't upload pics properly.
#16266 Clever title working in the word 'Steel'
Yeah I've been trying that, I think it's a case of me messing up the sizing when I imageshack the images. I'll get the hang of it before my next post.
#16242 Clever title working in the word 'Steel'
I'm struggling to work out whether or not we're any good. Queen of the South match was doomed due to an early penalty and a woeful peice of goalkeeping, butterfingers at his finest.
Then we obliterated local rivals Forfar, resulting in 5 of my players getting team of the week.
Should've beaten Alloa and I'm quite annoyed we didn't, just didn't take our chances.
No idea what happened at Ayr. It was horrible.
Butterfingers struck twice in the Stenhousemuir match, 'dropped' a 2 goal lead. Geddit? Cos he dropped the ball? Ah forget it.
I really need to pick up form if I'm going to challenge for playoffs.
One positive I will take from this is that Dalziel reeaaallly likes scoring goals.
So, I've dropped a place in the league. Early days though, so I'll keep the faith for now*.
*Panicking will start around the 20 game mark
#16195 Conquering Britain (British Steel 2013)
#16193 Clever title working in the word 'Steel'
#289494 Clever title working in the word 'Steel'
End of August 2012
First off, transfers. No one left as my squad was minimal anyway. The deadline day signing was a much needed GK. I also signed a Mass Effect character, result. Honestly though, this was just an attempt to strengthen key positions.The left back position is being filled in by Aaron Murdoch and Johnny Brown and both are being retrained for the position, I'd like to come up with a good excuse as to why I didn't sign a natural left back but I'm afraid I don't have one at hand.
I only managed 2 of those friendlies. The 0-0 draw with my reserves which, I admit, did worry me and the 1-0 defeat to Dunfermline. Moving on...
Happy with the cup results despite being knocked out, Airdrie just had more energy come injury time and everything was going well at Inverness until we let all the goals in. The back to back wins versus Stenhousemuir were both cracking games full of goals and terrible defending.
In the league, again, nothing outstanding. 2 games in, not a lot to report.
#289493 Clever title working in the word 'Steel'
This is the original explanation with the rules and that
I started unemployed with sunday league rep and almost immediately got offered the Brechin job, without even applying. Shit the bed they must be desperate.
More to come.
NOTE: I am a slow updater but will do what I can
#289492 Clever title working in the word 'Steel'
Awww here it goes.
Started this last night and didn't get a screeny of my manager before joining a club so this'll have to do.#16159 The British Steel Challenge 2013