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#816059 Updates
I concur.
FM24's biggest issues are carryovers from FM23, 22, 21, 20, 19…
A good skin and now the new match engine mods available, it feels like a massively new game
#816058 I need help
I had this happen to me. Essentially, one of your addons became corrupted and it's taking down the whole damn game.
This seems to be a common enough to warrant inclusion on the SI service site.
I recommend doing a Google search on it. Essentially, I had to move everything OUT of the SI folders that I had added in, effectively uninstalling them from the game.
Then I uninstalled FM24, reinstalled fresh and slowly began to introduce some elements (skin, name fix, badges, kitbasher, etc.)
No issues since. I thought my FM playing days were over, but it just ended up being a blip.
#816055 Tato24 Skin
Do you mean in the score bug in the top corner? If you look next to each team, there is a bar of colour to represent which team is which
#785331 The American Dream - Chasing the CONCACAF Champions Cup
Coming tomorrow to YouTube! Episode One of THE AMERICAN DREAM: CHASING THE CONCACAF CHAMPIONS CUP (6:30a ET/11:30a BT)