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#749483 FM23 "Increase Realism"- Megapack FINAL OCTOBER Update by Daveincid
I'll begin with the basics. I possess an illegal version of the game (please don't judge). Unfortunately, I don't have an editor (or perhaps I'm not aware of how to obtain one for a pirated copy of the game). Daveincid published a Realism Megapack yesterday, and game requires the files to be verified within the game. Unfortunately, I don't have an editor (or perhaps I'm not aware of how to obtain one for a pirated copy of the game). If anyone is willing, I kindly request someone to verify the files for me and send them over. Alternatively, if that's not feasible, any advice would be appreciated (apart from buying the game).
#749480 Need help!
I'll begin with the basics. I possess an illegal version of the game (please don't judge). Unfortunately, I don't have an editor (or perhaps I'm not aware of how to obtain one for a pirated copy of the game). Daveincid published a Realism Megapack yesterday, and game requires the files to be verified within the game. Unfortunately, I don't have an editor (or perhaps I'm not aware of how to obtain one for a pirated copy of the game). If anyone is willing, I kindly request someone to verify the files for me and send them over. Alternatively, if that's not feasible, any advice would be appreciated (apart from buying the game).