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#778567 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
well yes, Russia OLD still appears, as well as random promotions/relegations from the RPL after the 1st season which has nothing to do with FFP I believe… at this point I just need a sample save file that actually works as a starting point for all future saves…
#778551 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
I've added the Nation file, cleared cache, reloaded, did everything, and the nations selection kept showing Russia OLD instead… however I tried loading your file and everything works just as intended, so at this point i would really appreciate it if you make a “sample" save file, load every nations, every league and every players, starting at ss1 and send it to me…
thank you so much for your support man, keep up the good work!
#778497 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
i'm using vincechup skin for my saves, switch to the normal skin, did not work. i tried every step you mentioned, did not work, so I'll drop my save files here, one is the save file I simulated till season 2, the other (unemployed) is my newly created save file with only the 3 international, russia, belarus files activated. really appreciate it if you can take a look!https://www.mediafire.com/file/ucau9umw0n4sldz/Trong_Anh_Nguoc_-_Brentford_-_Russia.fm/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/lyvxsfss5wn4oub/Trong_Anh_Nguoc_-_Unemployed.fm/file
#778487 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
i have the international, Russia, Belarus files ticked, as well as another file that removes the new Champions League format. only those files are ticked. and only “russia old" is available upon country selection. i also have a logo file installed and I have swapped all USSR logos with Russia logos. still, I decided to run a save file past the 1st season and for the 2nd season…random clubs got promoted to the RPL while other clubs got relegated randomly, Lokomotiv Moskva finished 6th in season 1 and randomly got relegated in season 2?
#778308 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
do you have any ideas why Russia in my game appears as Soviet Union and vice versa? are there any way to fix it?