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#724441 Brazil - Promotions and Relegations Info
Normally I start work on extra files after the final patch for SI (in case they do anything with the database that has a potential to conflict), once this releases I can release South American leagues earlier than the European ones as I appreciate the seasons start at different times.
#704417 League Updates FM22
I’ll run some more tests, it’s a persistent “quirk” each update for whatever reason that Europe causes some issues.
#703772 League Updates FM22
I’ll double check this tonight.
#703579 Derby County in Administration and transfer embargo
No, as the data update files are separate once these files are editted manually you won't need to do it every time, it just removes the lines which override the data update 🙂
#703578 League Updates FM22
It's currently added to the Premier League, are there others which do not have it who should?
#702757 League Updates FM22
I'll look into it but if it is like the English reserve leagues these are assigned randomly by the game iirc not through registering teams to a specific division.
#702756 League Updates FM22
Unfortunately as both are editing similar things they aren't useable together, they'd need to release a new file reflecting this season themselves or you're unfortunately restricted to the vanilla division availability with the data update file.
#702339 Club Updates FM22
Portugal, France and Netherlands finances updated.
#702335 Registration Rules for Turkish Super League are wrong
Added to the latest upload.
#702222 Registration Rules for Turkish Super League are wrong
I will see what I can and can't edit easily, things like the number of teams will take more work, I'll see if the rules are easier.
#702221 League Updates FM22
It should be the Champions League winner in season one, after that it expands iirc. Not sure why it would select Napoli given the game is meant to pull the last winners in.
#702058 Finaces not updated.
Not in the existing build but Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands etc will be in the next one I am working on which I'll upload when finished.
#702055 Finaces not updated.
Some are now updated and other's will follow, they should work for both.
#702053 League Updates FM22
Due to the re-structure I will need to do more work in advanced rules to be able to reflect the changes in numbers of teams.
#702052 League Updates FM22
Thanks Alex, I'll get that sorted for you.
#701498 Data Update Home Thread
Yeah it’ll be any signing I think, annoyingly.
#701212 League Updates FM22
I’ve uploaded an older version, hoping it may help fix it.
#701073 Club Updates FM22
A new file called Club has been added to replace England (Club) which you need to delete when you install the next update to make this work. This include financial updates for England, Spain, Italy and Germany following the closure of the transfer window, including backdated debts, reductions to outgoing monthly payments (twelve months removed from outgoing play installments) and updated transfer funds to reflect the latest window.
#700961 League Updates FM22
Finances will also be forthcoming now the window is shut.
#700376 Attribute Updates + New Player Requests FM22
Happy to look at players if people give me a list and an argument in favour of a upgrade or downgrade.
#700352 Data Update Home Thread
I think it is Italy that is the main one, other leagues have rules for registered match squads but iirc correctly you can buy as many as you like just maybe they can’t all be registered. Italy has a limit of 1 or 2 each season can be purchased (any others over this limit cannot be registered until they sell another non-EU).
I think that’s correct, I remember being infuriated by how complicate it all is in a Bologna save.
#700042 Data Update Home Thread
If we can do it on the site I’d recommend doing it that way.
Essentially whichever non-eu players joined the club in January or last summer would need their joined club date backdating by one year so that in theory the game doesn’t think they joined in the first in game summer so you can register the new non-eu signings.
#700005 Data Update Home Thread
Yes, as long as the game doesn’t believe they just joined (which is from the part of the contract data) they should therefore already be registered and not interfere with the new ones.
#699799 Data Update Home Thread
It may be tied to the joined dates of the previous Non-EU players from last two windows, they'd need to be removed or backdated in that case.
#699531 League Updates FM22
I can look at Romania this weekend.
#699371 Attribute Updates + New Player Requests FM22
As mentioned elsewhere I've unfortunately got covid so sleeping a fair amount, fear not I will be back into updates as the window moves to a close but just a heads up for if I am slower replying.
#699369 League Updates FM22
I would ask, for those experiencing these issues could you let me know which nations specifically you encounter it (as it appears to be after the first season when the AI is the one picking teams not the DB). It could be something specific to them.
#699368 League Updates FM22
I've currently come down with covid so apologies for not replying as promptly guys, as the window closing races forward I'll be back to getting more uploaded.
#699152 Club Updates FM22
Few posts above explains the reason.
Basically in the lnc/edt files they're set to be in admin, you have to manually remove them from there to make it work, extra files are overridden by them.
#699150 League Updates FM22
Could be all manner of things unfortunately, each season the one thing that seems to break is Europe. I will take a look but the numbers are spot on for the season before which the game uses.