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#248657 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
#231569 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
We would love to complete that league also.
Unfortunately there are many team websites without any or decent player images
#230251 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
You need the DF11 panels to view the DF11 faces in their original large size.
They are available here
#223348 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Torrent download available here
#222194 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
#221607 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
This will help to solve your issue
DF11 panels + skin available
#215623 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
FM resizes the images. Works with any skin as written in the 1st post.
#214060 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
We appreciate your kind word
Thanks for using our faces!
Consider to like us on facebook as well. That way you can make quick request's also for missing players.
#213533 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
End of november if we have made over at least 2000 faces.
We have to come with huge updates, to be sure everyone likes to use them
Torrent download is available on any other big FM fansite.
Sortitoutsi is the only one that delivers a regular download wich is similar fast as torrent.
#204617 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Season 2014-2015
DF11 is a portrait style facepack that initiated production since October 2010.
The DF11 crew do release regular updates to keep their faces as much up to date as can be over the last 4 years.
DF11 faces are 260 x 310 pixels big, which is (a lot) larger than default size (180 x 180).
There will be special DF11 panels available shortly after the release of the new Football Manager game.
These panels will show the DF11 faces in their original big size.
Without these panels the faces will be shown as usual in game.
This is a stand-alone pack intended for use with Football Manager 2015.
DF11 faces will also work with any other version of Football Manager!
Original sized DF11 face / click image for ingame screenshot
Complete overview when using our DF11 megapack & updates:
70.024 DF11 faces / 71 playable leagues / 39 countries (check spoiler)
- Argentina (Primera Division)
- Australia (A-League)
- Austria (Bundesliga, Erste Liga)
- Belarus (Premier Liga, 1a Liga)
- Belgium (Jupiler Pro league, Proximus league)
- Bosnia Herzegovina (Premier liga)
- Brazil (Campeonato A, Campeonato B)
- Chile (Primera Division)
- Colombia (Primera A)
- Croatia (1.HNL)
- Czech Rep. (Grambinus Liga, Druha Liga)
- England (Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, Skrill Premier Conference)
- Finland (Veikkausliga)
- France (Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Championnat National, CFA)
- Germany (Bundesliga 1, Bundesliga 2, 3.Liga)
- Holland (Eredivisie, Jupiler League)
- Hungary (NBI, NBII)
- Iceland (Úrvalsdeild Karla)
- Ireland (Airtrycity league)
- Israel (Ligat Winner, Ligat Leumit)
- Italy (Serie A, Serie B, Serie C1 / C2)
- Mexico (Liga MX)
- Norway (Tippeligaen)
- Poland (Ekstraklasa, I Liga)
- Portugal (Liga ZON Sagres, Segunda liga)
- Romania (Liga 1, Liga 2)
- Russia (Premier League, FNL)
- Scotland (Premier League, Championship)
- Serbia (Super Liga)
- Slovakia (Fortuna Liga, DOXXbet liga)
- South Africa (Premier League)
- South Korea (K-League)
- Spain (Liga BBVA, LIGA Adelante)
- Sweden (Allsvenskan, Superettan, Division 1)
- Switzerland (Super League, Challenge League)
- Turkey (Spor Toto Super League)
- Ukraine (Vischa Liha, Persha Liha)
- Wales (Premier League)
Notes for this list:
- All leagues named in this list are at least covered for 80% by DF11 faces
- Leagues with a cover percentage below 80% aren't included to this list
Watch manual / or / Download manual
This DF11 Megapack is the most updated around for FM15.
Register to the sortitoutsi website to use this direct server download.
- Download -
coming soon....
Move the DF11 Megapack folder to:
documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\Graphics
Note: You have to make the 'Graphics' folder by yourself!
Detailed instructions available in the 'Install Manual'.
There are no updates available as this DF11 Megapack includes already the latest updates. (update 1,2 & 3)
Next update (nr.4) will be released in november 2014
The default face is the image that will show up when a player doesn't have a face in game.
Specially for all DF11 users we have some nicely designed default faces for a more uniform DF11 look in game.
(see spoiler)
- Download -
Install manual is included to this download!
Most frequently asked questions:
How to install the DF11 Megapack & updates?
- Please download the 'instructions manual'.
When installed correctly, you will have one (1) DF11 Megapack folder that includes
all 70.000 faces plus one (1) config file.
I don't have a 'Graphics' folder in my Football Manager game.
- That's correctly! After installing Football Manager you will have to add the 'Graphics' folder yourself. (see spoiler)
Simply make a new folder with your operating system (windows) and rename it as "Graphics".
When done you'll add this folder to the following Football Manager folder adress:
documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20**\Graphics
I don't see any DF11 faces after installing the DF11 Megapack.
- Be sure you've set the ingame settings correctly. (see spoiler)
I still don't see any DF11 faces in game.
- Maybe the config file is defective and not working correctly.
Make a new config file to replace the defective one.
There is a short 'config file' tutorial available in the spoiler below.
Download + install the program 'FMXML'.
Follow the steps of the image below. Starting at step 3 and further on.
There is also a detailed 'config file' video-tutorial available here.
Some particular face(s) don't show up in game while they are included to the DF11 Megapack.
- It simply happends sometimes.
Most of the times we can fix this issue by replacing the defective face with a new one.
Join also DF11 Facebook for more facepack related help,
and be the first to receive information about new updates and developments!
Author: necjeff
Recent producers: Spurs12345, marklf, Bingbangboem, Haas67, Clowntje, Mena Tallet, Lubo, necjeff
Former producers: Jeroen, new0rder, Bilouteman, milka, FGibra, thijskeeper, ArthurM, Hixxo, Lokypedro, El-Chambo, Jackioo,
Knibbe, Slashydutchie, davvee
Thanks for all the hard work. Respect to all of you!
#201683 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
#200353 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
DF11 / necjeff
7 improvements + 3 possible improvements / Download
Example (all images are equally to the example)
#200349 Megapack - Missing image request thread
DF11 / necjeff
Player ID: 91137341
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 91137341
#196497 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Replace the faces in your DF11 Megapack with the available updates to see the newest 2014-2015 faces in game.
--------------- Information ---------------
Over 5000 new and updated faces to merge with your
DF11 Megapack.
Over 400 transferred players worldwide included!
Ofcourse there are still transferred players missing so there is still a lot of work to do for us
----------- Download options update 2 -------------
Regular Download or Torrent
---------------------- Install manual -------------------
Unpack (winrar) the file and extract the entire content to your
DF11 Megapack folder.
**** Simply OVERWRITE ALL faces + config file ****
Restart FM / or / Reload skin
----------- INDEX update 2 ----------
5 new full leagues:
* Germany - Bundesliga
* Bosnia Herzegovina - Premjer Liga
* Austria - Erste Liga
* Netherlands - Topklasse zaterdag
* Netherlands - Hoofdklasse zondag B
(Massive) additions for following countries:
England / Spain / Germany / France / Italy / Belgium / USA
Netherlands / Norway / Iceland / Finland / Korea / Thailand
and more....
------------- CREDITS -------------
necjeff - Spurs12345 - Bingbangboem - Haas67
marklf - Mena Tallet - Rossini - Clowntje - Jeroen
#181942 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Regular Download
Pick up the available torrent download for this massive update (5386 DF11 faces!) in the opening post.
#169479 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
(As we always used to do, we will extend and renew faces during summer - updates will be added after summer - DF11 facepacks will continue making faces like we did over the past 4 years
#168665 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
There are 64000 DF11 faces available.
10 of them don't show up in game.
Illaramendi and Griezmann are one of them.
Other 63990 are visible
This happends in every version of FM. It's a FM thing
#151986 S&D Country flags
DF11 / necjeff
#148091 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
#144792 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
#143825 Perfect size for unknown play face
DF11 / necjeff
Original size for players faces = 180x180 pix
#143824 Why do some regens have no faces?
DF11 / necjeff
Even if u'r playing with the standard FM skin??
If u use a customized skin, it maybe helps by deleting the default face that most skins have.
Search in the skin u use for the graphics/pictures/players folder and delete the default face.
Mostly the original regens will appear now in your game.
#143084 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Alternative downloadlinks (torrent / mirror) available in the starting post!
Massive update wich includes also the february 2014 transfer-update!
#142891 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
#141811 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
(Unpack in your DF11 Megapack and overwrite all content)
#138834 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Hi m8,
Just check this link. It directs u to another DF11 facepackpage.
In the left corner (upfront) u will find 2 downloadlinks for DF11 skins.
Called "fmfaces14 for DF11" light + dark version.
This skin is made with 'better then default panels' and modified for large DF11 faces
(i'm not allowed to post the direct downloadlink here, as fmfaces have the exclusive rights for this DF11 skin)
#137780 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Think u missed update 46
#137029 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
U can take a look in our DF11 workshop to see wich teams are already renewed to the current season
#137001 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
Hey m8, most leagues are spread over all megapack and update folders.
Just a few leagues are available for single download. Spain isn't one of them.
U can install all 62.000 DF11 faces. They dont slow down your game speed.
Added graphics will only affect the start-up time of FM by 30 seconds......
#137000 DF11 Megapack & Updates
DF11 / necjeff
I created this one by myself. Not available on the internet
If u are playing with cut-outs u can download my cut-out version of the default face HERE. (read topic, last post)
If u'r using DF11 faces u can download the default faces HERE.
(place the default folder in your FM graphics folder)
After download, u can replace the excisting default face by the one 2 post earlier
(just save image and rename it by the default image)