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#779344 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Felipe Frigini
After several attempts at driver updates, reinstalling the game, formatting the PC, and other unsuccessful attempts, when starting a new game with your file this problem disappeared.
Thank you very much.
#770213 Sas Skin 24 / Sas2025Final
Felipe Frigini
Hello, congratulations on the great work.
In the inbox, when the Staff makes recommendations for players to play in the next Team2 and U19 matches, when you click on the continue button the game freezes for a few seconds and then returns.
#765040 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Felipe Frigini
Intel i5 1235u 12th gen
UHD Graphics
256 SSD
Drivers in the latest version.
This only happens when the Crowd lights Flares.
#764888 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Felipe Frigini
Can you help me?
Through this file is it possible to remove crowd flares?
Or maybe resolve it another way.
I have this problem in my post below:
#757797 Flashing lights in Match Engine
Felipe Frigini
Hey guys.
Do you know if it is possible to remove crowd flares in stadiums?
I'm looking for a solution to my problem but I haven't found it yet.
It only happens when the crowd lights the flare.
Can anyone tell me if via Editor it is possible?
I'm looking for any help.
Link video bug: https://imgur.com/lsHlNk6
Link Forum SI: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/crash-technical-and-performance-issues/flashing-lights-in-match-engine-r18706/