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#762087 England Levels 1-10 FM24
Ivy Caramba
This didn't work for me - England was greyed out even though I chose the “original” game mode. I've posted earlier, but I got around this by removing my “home” country's league from the options to play and England became available.
#762085 England Levels 1-10 FM24
Ivy Caramba
Sorry if this has been answered already, but I had the “England greyed out” issue yesterday as well. I fixed it by removing my “home” league from the list of playable leagues and was then able to select England.
I do have a question: are the squads accurate? I've chosen an obscure lvl 10 team as it is my housemate's ancestral home's local team, and when I look online their current players list doesn't match what I'm seeing in-game.