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#805780 3D Kits Italy Série B
Legend! Keep making these packs… its really appreciated
#805666 3D Kits Italy Série B
Hi @Ibarra , your Config doesn't work for the Away and Third kits, in the config file you have those kits also attached to “home"
I have fixed mine, but you should fix and update for everyone here. Just a small detail you have overlooked.
#798409 3D Kits 24-25 WIP Thread
Forget FM25 - what a complete joke!!
Creators making 24/25 3d Kits for FM24 are the real heroes.
FM24 might be the last great FM, and with the news of the March delay which is a shambles (feels like we've been lied to and led along) These kits will help us carry on playing FM24 until FM26.
Because lets be honest… FM25 will be an absolute mess!!!
#798406 FC'12 Kits Colours Changes 2024/2025 for FM24 [v3.0]
With the delay of FM25 until March (2 months before the season ends)
I feel like FM25 will be used as a BETA for FM26… I like many, I will be skipping it.
This kit colours file is doing GODS WORK allowing us to prolong the life of FM24 - Maybe the last great FM, who knows!?
I salute you @BabaYaga89 !!!
#767112 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Version 24.3 now available with 797 database changes.
#765238 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Version 24.2 now available with 703 database changes.
#764423 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Version 24.1 now available with 602 database changes.
#736194 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Version 23.3 now available with 628 database changes.
#731086 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks man - do you have Serie C also?
I’m interested in updating as much as I can… I’m confused as to why not all of the packs that are made in this thread go into the official download section??
for example these Italian kits and many others?
would make it easier as I see a lot of people requesting things that have already been made because they can’t find them through the massive thread.
#731047 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Just shows as error??
#720222 DVX Logos for FM24 | 24v3 Update | 28.02.2025
#718202 Ad boards
Got you - but were there files in this location I needed to copy over?
#718178 Ad boards
What update is required here? only my video adds are black so trying to figure out what I've missed for copying my fm22 files over?
#715808 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Version 23.2 now available with 409 database changes.
#715189 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Yep - PM is fine.
I did 900+ changes last year so know there is still a lot out there. I’m working my way slowly when I have free time.
#715159 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
FM23 Version now available - 301 changes so far and updating every week.
#681406 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Latest update now available containing 975 database changes!!!
As always let me know if you spot a player that I've missed.
#673783 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Yeah it’s still due to the same reason. They have been given a “Common Name“ in the database.
Demirbay has ‘Kerem Demirbay ‘ as his common name.
There have been positive changes in the database this season though: Bruno Fernandes who suffered from the same issue in game for years was given B. Fernandes as his shirt name.
I do sympathise with SI in these leagues (Turkish, Brazilian, Portuguese)
As the shirt names are often first names and also often change season to season.
#673763 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
It’s not exactly a bug. I understand where the issue stems from the “common name“ option in the editor.
for example Lucas at Tottenham Hotspurs.
Name: Lucas Rodrigues Moura da Silva
Common Name: Lucas Moura
This option in the editor is great, because we get his full name and also the name he is commonly referred as - which gets used throughout the game.
The issue is that the shirt name always uses a players last name unless there is a common name which overrides this.
So in Turkey as you mentioned or Brazil or Portugal. There are a lot of common names that get put on shirts.
And this always wouldn’t be solved by changing the shirt name to prioritise the last name (like in Lucas situation)
The only solution from SI would be that where a common name exists, a shirt name must also be entered.
This is basically what my File does for us.
#673762 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
#673757 Database issue with Sergio Aguero
I’ll have a play around tonight but from Memory I think Aguero has the correct shirt name added in game, so he isn’t a player I needed to edit.
Just thinking to Aguero’s real life situation - is there any files that have been loaded where he has been removed? Has this been done by SI yet?
#672460 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Thanks great! Soo happy to hear it’s made your life a little easier and your FM saves a better experience.
I have another update coming soon but let me know if you think there’s any I have missed seeing as you look out for this thing as I do every year.
#670913 FM22 editor issues[read the opening post prior to posting]
Hi Guys,
I'm currently trying to edit kit colours for teams and it seems like there is a bunch of issues in this pane when trying to make changes on a selected line, it edits another line occasionally.
e.g. making the primary colour on the socks red will sometimes change the shorts to red on the line above instead of the socks.
I have also noticed issues with trying to change other things in this pane (alternative kit numbers, kit style etc.)
It's worth pointing out that I am on Mac (2021 14" MacBook Pro with M1 Pro chip)
I have never had this issue with any editor before on Mac.
Are any of you experiencing the same?
#664326 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Latest update 22.3 features new changes to every team in La Liga including some youth and B teams.
Changes Count: 890
#663259 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Latest update 22.2 features extensive work in the Spanish second division and to Brazilian players playing in China and the Middle East.
Changes Count: 760
#662965 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Hey! I'd love that - I will be regularly updating the file here so keep an eye out to include the latest one.
#662713 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Yes, it’s under > Preferences > Interface > Team Screen.
however, the game doesn’t contain the shirt name data for many players. Specifically many Brazilian, Turkish and Portuguese players where “common names” are commonly used such as “Lucas Moura“ with no shirt name data, his name is displayed always as “Lucas Moura” even with the option ticked in preferences.
my file adds this data so his correct shirt name “Lucas“ is displayed.
this is one example of over 500 players I have changed.
#662409 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
Unfortunately not - It's an editor file so a new game will need to be loaded to include it.
#662405 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
You're welcome brother!
#662404 [FM24] DS Real Player Shirt Names - 797 players included
File updated with some work in Holland, Belgium & Scandanavia.
Changes Count: 566