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#785117 Game keeps crashing at a specific date (real name fix?)
14th of November. I suspect it had something to do with a league I added mid-save starting exactly 1 month after that. That's just a guess, but googling the issue I came across a lot of people saying FM23 kept crashing at a specific date after they had added a league mid-save and that was the closest I ever got to diagnosing the issue.
#785080 Game keeps crashing at a specific date (real name fix?)
Yeah, didn't help. I tried about 15 different times with a different combination of files, old saves, reinstalls etc. In the end I surmised it was probably that I had attempted to add a league in the middle of the save. Even going back and cancelling that didn't help though. I got tired of hitting my head against the wall and started a new save.
#784928 Game keeps crashing at a specific date (real name fix?)
My FM2024 keeps crashing at or around a specific date when I try to process time. This only started happening 4 seasons into my save.
The only custom files I have are the sortitoutsi real name fix and player faces. SI support of course uses this as a “get out of jail free card" and just tells me to start a new game “without custom files” and refuse to help any further. Posting on the official SI forums about crashes isn't allowed any more either.
So two questions:
I have:
deleted the edited databases
deleted the /Documents/ folder (backing up my save)
deleted the appdata folder
verify installation