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#220496 How long does it take you to save?
Forgot My Lines
Jesus! Takes mine a minute to realize I have just pressed save!!
#220428 How long does it take you to save?
Forgot My Lines
#213651 In-Game Editor
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Ok, thank you very much for all your help.
#213647 In-Game Editor
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It says: 15.0.3f569609 (m.e V1529)
#213642 In-Game Editor
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All verified the second time, but No change.
#213640 In-Game Editor
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Oh I see, in steam! I clicked on the football manager Icon on my desktop.Thanks for your patience
#213638 In-Game Editor
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There is nothing next to "Football Manager 2015" in the library.
I can't find "Locate Files" in properties?
#213632 In-Game Editor
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#213624 In-Game Editor
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#213619 In-Game Editor
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Oh right! Thanks for the reply. I had trouble getting the email for the code for the pre-order Beta version. Who should the email come from? Game manufacturer or The Place I ordered it? Cheers
#213600 In-Game Editor
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Also, I thought there would be an update to download for the full release. Should I have had one? If so, that might be why I can't see editor.
#210897 FM 2015 too easy
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To get any harder, I'll have to have my 10 shots to no goals. and the opposition will not be in my half, but 2 defenders score 4 own goals.
#210860 FM 2015 too easy
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#210825 FM 2015 too easy
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#210816 FM 2015 too easy
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It's mental how many goals are in each game. I haven't had a 0-0 or 1-0 yet! Don't think I've even only had 2 goals in a game.
#210610 FM 2015 too easy
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Where as, I have a striker with a finishing rating for 14, and composure of 12, who has scored 1 in 5 games. I've lost count of the amount of shots he needed for his single goal.
#210463 FM 2015 too easy
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#210451 FM 2015 too easy
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I put up with the last version, coz I thought it would get sorted on the new version. It's exactly the same!? I've made all sorts of my own tactics, I've used many many downloaded tactics off the website. With some of them, I can win games....But I have to have 10 shots on target to score 1 goal. The opposition only need 1 shot usually to score their goal. Every goalkeeper, no matter how crap their stats, have worldies. I can't settle into a game on this version. Coz I destroy teams, and lose. After the 3rd game I've dominated and lost, I quiet and delete. Nearly unplayable for me. Like the last version.I love management games so much, but there's something massively wrong. Also, every game on this version has 4+ goals in it!? every game is either a thrashing or a thriller.
#210442 FM 2015 too easy
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#208757 FM15 BETA Release Beta Feedback Thread
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#208432 FM 2015 Beta released
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Ah, brilliant. Thank you again
#208430 FM 2015 Beta released
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#208412 FM 2015 Beta released
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Thank you very much
#208405 FM 2015 Beta released
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I ordered FM15 from Amazon a few weeks ago. I have still not had an email with a code for the Beta. I've been checking inbox and spam box. Nothing. Anyone else experiencing this? Who do I ask about it? Is it Amazon? Or the game manufacturer?
Many thanks.