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#803829 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
Still no maybe I'll redownload them all thanks
#803825 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
I really don't know what to do. I have it in editor data, I chose it before starting a new game it still doesn't work. Should I have a “config” and an “all_config” file in the kits?
#803818 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
Can you send that v2.8 file?
#803814 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
Still the same, it happens with other clubs too
#803812 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
I have them I showed you the screenshot
#803810 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
Then why isn't it?
#803808 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
So it should work with these?
#803806 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
What about these?
Also in the guides it says nothing about .fmf files
#803803 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
Do I need the fmf for each league? If I download the mega pack aren't they inside already?
#803800 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
All my kits are downloaded from SS Kits on Sortitoutsi. It's not just these kits there are many kits that aren't shown
#803733 Municipal Ground of Voula
Konstantinos Zouvelos
I will fix it later in the day, thank you
#803701 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
For some reason some kits aren't being shown while other are even tho I have them both downloaded
#801486 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Konstantinos Zouvelos
So I downloaded the logo updates for FM24 and for some reason the competition logos aren't being shown while the IDs are correct and they haven't been deleted from my PC. Can somebody help me?