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#461013 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#460997 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
When i go in to the folders of the megapack and open the images they all appear as normal.
It's happening with every player, this is just one example.
Any ideas what the problem is?
#212630 FM15 BETA Release Beta Feedback Thread
I'm having the same problem.
All kits, faces and logos are showing up fine, but the ad boards aren't for some reason.
#207590 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#207568 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#200452 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
Thanks again
Anyone else fancy having a go at cutting Santon?
It will take some wizardry with the black background though.
#199473 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Newcastle United 2014-2015 Example pic
36 players 2 staff
#199301 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Player ID: 43016424
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images:Search results for 43016424
#199203 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Player ID: 28082548
Link: Link to picture
Existing images Search results for 28082548
#197515 Some kits not working? SSKCC14 v2.6.1 for 13/14 Kits on FM14 only [26/07/2014]
#190286 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
It hasn't been released yet but it's definitely official.
#187413 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Newcastle away
#166747 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Ultimate (THE MOST COMPLETE SKIN, AND NO BUGS)
Thanks it worked
#166713 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Ultimate (THE MOST COMPLETE SKIN, AND NO BUGS)
#164649 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Sorry, just thought i would ask first before making an official request, as i know some people are able to find higher resolution pics sometimes.
Looks like someone beat me to it
#164583 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Or will there be better sources available soon?
#141903 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Exactly what i had in mind.
#141701 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Thanks a lot!
Could you try the home shirt with blue as the main colour? and maybe fix the nike logo on the home shirt?
I think the away would look better with a touch of red on the collar and sleeves too, instead of the white parts, if its not too much trouble.
Also would it be possible to move the intel sponsor higher up the chest on all 3?
Thanks again.
#140646 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Home: Same template as Atletico Madrid's home kit, but in blue and red stripes (White manufacturer and sponsor, with white collar and white hoop on both sleeves)
Away: Same template as Arsenal's away, but in white with blue collar and trim. (Blue manufacturer and sponsor)
Third: Same template as Man city's home kit, but in black with blue collar/cuffs and red outline. (White manufacturer and sponsor)
Manufacturer: Nike
Sponsor: Intel
Would it also be possible to get Premier League patches on the sleeves?
Hopefully all that makes sense.
#102194 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#102168 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Still don't get how i've probably updated hundreds of faces myself and they show up in game without any problems.
Will Hughes is the only image this has happened with, the others have changed straight away with no problems.
#102162 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Thanks for all the help and patience, mate.
I appreciate it
#102154 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#102131 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I didn't have a config file in my megapack as i deleted it, but you asked me to upload one, so i edited my post to include a copy of the one i was using (If that makes sense).
As i stated, the config i posted is one i've just made using fmXML, which i made to drop into the megapack folder to see if it would ask me to overwrite the one that should be in there somewhere (that i can't find)
Apologies if i have confused you, thats my fault. I appreciate your help on matter.
I understand how crazy it sounds by the way, as i know it should not work without the config file in there.
#102107 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I've used the windows search box and checked myself (multiple times) there is no config file in my megapack folder.
I only updated my megapack up to 5.1 as i lost patience with the amount of times i lost connection during the downloads.
My internet is slow and regularly cuts off during downloads unless it's a torrent.
I've just been going through the improvement and team pack release threads, updating the megapack myself.
I currently have 118,282 images in my megapack and no config, yet it is still working in the game.
This is the config i have just made using fmXML, but don't need as it's working even without it.
#101950 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I then decided to delete the config altogether and checked in game before i made a new one, but the faces are still showing up in the game even without it.
How is this even possible?
#101760 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I've checked the id multiple times (29086005) it doesn't even come up in windows windows asking me to replace it like it normlly does.
Every other face in the game shows up apart from this one?
any ideas?
#94135 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#85405 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Because they are the only kits i can't get to show in the game, all the other are working absoutely fine
Do i need to extract the standard kits out of the game first before i replace them?
#85199 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
I just have the default chamionship kits. All the rest are working fine.
Any ideas why?