Oliver Turp - Comments

#795609 Start date year change
Oliver Turp
6 months ago
5 months ago
By qweasd56 10 September 2024 - 01:01 AM UTC 

I have tried to do that for many years and I could get the same result as pepesa16 only. 


I would love to have a way of start a game in a previous year with a classic custom database, but after so many years trying, I got to the conclusion that it is not possible.. at least not possible without break the game code and remove some “blocks”.


When we manage to start in a previous year, the game starts normally, but the fixtures matches are never created.. days keep passing by until you reach the game version year, and then the fixtures are generated…


I tried many workarounds, change championship's rules, country rules, and nothing seems to work.. if you start a game around 3 years before the game version year, it always happens (game does not generate fixtures).


I've been trying in many FM versions, since 2016 and I got stuck with the same result. Looks like we would need to change the hard code of the game to allow the calendar to generate the fixtures in previous years, and I don't have knowledge about coding to even think in a start, and actually I believe it is pretty hard if not impossible.


I'm not trying anything anymore but I can cooperate with anyone that would like to keep trying. 


The way you can start a save in previous years is the following:

You need to go to "Advanced Rules / Start Dates" and change the "Year Offset" to something negative, like -20 if you want to start 20 years back in the past of the game version. However, the editor does not allow you to write numbers less than -1 if I'm not mistaken. The way you need to go around that, is to go to the editor files and folders, find the template files related to this section of the editor and open it on notepad or similar to modify the range of allowance of numbers to this section. (Example, if the editor allows you to write from -1 to 5, you need to modify the range to -99 to 99. So basically you will be able to come back to the editor and write any number of this range, and it will allow you to start a game in any year that you choose in this range.


I hope I was clear, let me know if you have any questions.


Does the offset method work? I would like to start my save +1 year in the future (I understand the realism but I don't like starting season 1 with a reduced budget due to existing transfers, and I want to keep the updated transfers database). While I could just edit the budget of my own club, I want to keep the game competitive and want all teams to have a reset budget. I figured the easiest way of doing that was just making the year 2024/2025