Deleted User #273888 - Comments

#416183 FM17 Megapack 233 Updates by claassen (Final Pack)
Deleted Account #273888
I have only loaded a few in but I get it with Saudi Arabia (require minimum of 16 but only have 13) and Toyota Thai league (require maximum of 18 but found 21).
#416180 FM17 Megapack 233 Updates by claassen (Final Pack)
Deleted Account #273888
I have just downloaded these but have noticed that I am getting red error symbols next to some of the leagues, with the message "Require maximum of x teams" - is this a problem that others have had?
#223260 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
Deleted Account #273888
Hmm, downloaded it and have put it within my skins folder but not seeing it come up as an option to change to in FM? Any known problems when using this via steam and on a Mac?