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#299669 Purchasing FM 2016.
Im a believer
#299066 Defending
Im a believer
such as my defenders will just stop dead and let the attacker run through one on one or i am playing 3 CB and one will just randomly run off and leave a big gap in the back for a long ball and again leave a one on one.
and another my defender will be favourite to get to the ball first but again he will just stop and let the attacker get it first.
i was just wondering is it just my game or is this a bug.
#23232 FM 13 - Amusing Screenshots Thread
Im a believer
i relised that after i sent the post haha
#22562 FM 13 - Amusing Screenshots Thread
Im a believer
#22538 "Touted as the Next..."
Im a believer
#19110 So what's everyone's take on the new game?
Im a believer
#18882 Scottish talents
Im a believer
#17486 is it me or is FM 13 really, really hard?
Im a believer
#17485 is it me or is FM 13 really, really hard?
Im a believer