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#72578 Please help!!!!
Before you just used to be able to find the nation/league you wanted and download the logos you needed. I simply just want to download a few club logos (standard) for a some nations that I don't have anything for.
I have many, many logos already which work fine so I don't want to download an multi-part pack to complete what I need. Is there anyway I can simply download just the leagues I want???
I've tried searching and have had no luck - if there is, PLEASE can someone point me in the right direction. I'm 99.99% sure the packs exist but I just can't find the,
I simply want to get club logos for Norway, Denmark and Iceland - that's it.
If anyone can help, I would be EXTREMELY grateful.
Thank you.
#66850 Up-to-date Colombian logos?
The top division (Liga Postobon) is ok but it's the second division which is missing a few clubs now. Some clubs in the second division are without logos at all as either they've merged with other clubs (in real life) or are only a few years old.
Many of the larger third tier clubs who are likely to be promoted into the playable leagues are also missing logos. Would anybody be able to help create them? I would be happy to provide links to logo images and the id's etc.
#66848 Colombia - Liga Postobon I SS'2013
#37285 FMC Stadium Update Pack 2
Great work btw.
#37215 SS'12-13 W.I.P. Thread
Colombia - Torneo Postobon Back!
But I cannot find a link to download it anywhere! I've looked on the forums myself and use the search function, please can someone help!
#17242 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Awesome pack, is there any possibility that you could create more South American packs?
Colombia and Uruguay would be awesome.
#17241 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
- Argentine Cup
- The new Mexican Primera Division logo - Liga MX
- The new Mexican Second Division logo - Asensco MX
- Colombian Cup
- Chilean Cup
- Copa America
I can post pics of the images if it would help, I would just like someone to be able to cut them for me please.
#16562 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
#16107 Newly promoted Premier League club logos
I have an extensive collection of logos etc so I don't want to download a mega pack but I just want to be able to add the three logos of the newly promoted Premier League clubs.
Can anyone point me in the right direction or help?
#10133 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]