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#685677 Francistown Stadium
You're true lol!!!thanks for your support.
#685567 Francistown Stadium
I had a doubt if it was a problem to have something write on some pictures or not, that's why i submit it….. now i know the answer!!lol!!
#685564 Yi sun-sin Stadium
I've found these pictures on the web without editing anything.
#547928 Some kits not working? SSKCC20.4.4 v3.0 for SS'2019/20 kits on FM20 only (11/05/21) Relink!
If it could help you i saw some kits missing in Africa
AS Soliman (13170342) 1st kit missing
CS Hammam-Lif (5390015) 2nd kit missing
ES Metlaoui (12019354) 2nd kit missing
Buffaloes (5340954) 1st kit wrong color
Bulawayo City (13176386) 2nd kit missing
Flame Lily (13159529) 2nd kit missing
Herentals (13196187) 2nd kit missing
Hwange (12012787) 1st kit false colors and 2nd kit missing
Manico Diamond FC (95058370) 1st & 2nd kits missing and false colors
Mushowani Stars FC (95063414) 1st kit false colors and 2nd kit missing
Shabanie Mine (5340944) 2nd kit missing
Telone FC (95063408) 2nd kit missing
Tenax FC (95080153) 2nd kit missing
Triangle United (13156596) 1st & 2nd kits false colors
Yadah Stars FC (13194687) 2nd kit missing
ZPC Karibah (13147665) 1st & 2nd kits false colors
#543960 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
great!!! lot of thanks!!
#543929 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks a lot!!!! kits are great!!
#543280 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
can somebody make the great new kits of Nigeria and South Korea nationals teams please?
here is some pictures.
thanks a lot!!
#520248 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#520181 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
I tried to make kits but i'm definitely not gifted for doing this.
So that's why i ask if somebody can try to help by doing kits of my club RC Kouba in Algeria and also for the national team of Algeria with the badge of African Champions on the chest and 2 stars on the logo.
It's difficult to find some pictures of a team who plays in the third level in Algeria so i couldn't find better pics.
But there's now no sponsors in RCK kits, it's easier for doing kits, and for the away kit it's now an Umbro brand with the same simple template.
Thanks a lot if somebody could help me.
Have a good day everyone.
#510223 SS 19/20 WIP Thread
First of all thanks for your great job that's awesome and FM is more realistic and then addictive with these kits.
Is it possible to have Algerian League 1 kits? I can search photos of these jerseys i you want.
There is not 19/20 national team kits on the site. Are they available somewhere?
Thanks a lot.
Have a good day everyone.