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#645538 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi! Thanks for your excelent work!!
Could you pls do this one? it's the new Boca away kit
#641162 [HELP] How to modify an specific part of a skin?
Hi, here I am again… could anyone pls tell me what should I modify from here as to have the trophies logos shown?
<container class="subsection_box" appearance="heffem/sub1" id="tstf" minimum_height="100" priority="5" default_height="-28">
<translation id="title" translation_id="232146" type="use" value="Honours" />
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
<widget class="team_container_honours_panel" id="hons">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
Thanks a lot!!
#637677 [HELP] How to modify an specific part of a skin?
Hi all.
I'm currently using a skin that I believe is perfect for what I need but it has something I would like to modify: in the club details, when it shows how many competitions the club has won, it doesn't show the trophy but it shows the Logo competition. I've downloaded the Trophy pack but I believe the skin takes images from other place as to show the competition logos instead of the trophy.
Do you know which skin file should I modify as to take the images of the trophy? I've tryed to do it myself but I cannot understand the script.
Thanks a lot!
#627836 Press Conference Backgrounds
Hi! Just a quick question:
I've read that I can only choose one team at a time. This also includes competitions?
Example; Can I use Napoli and Champions League or must choose one?
Tks a lot! Awesome work
#625959 Nations - South America SS'2020/21 Relink! (15/01/20)
So sorry! My bad!
#625802 Nations - South America SS'2020/21 Relink! (15/01/20)
Hi! Tks for all your hard working.
Is there any chance to have Argentina home kit updated? Thanks!!
#624824 Argentina - Superliga 3D'2020 for FM20/21 Relink! (12/02/21)
Here is Boca with the yellow on the back
#623156 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Hi, sorry to bother but I sill have the black adboards in my FM21.
I've checked the location and it's ok.
I renamed the folder from HD to SD and still black…
My graphic settings are “Very High"
I really cannot understand what is happening.
#618821 FM21 Rensie Purple & Dark
Hi! Where should I install the stadium pics as to be shown in Dark Skin? because I have them but the skin does not recognise any.
#614318 Ferro Carril Oeste back to First Division
It has been on 2nd division since 2000/01 seasson and could never come back.
I started working in Ferro with a very serious financial situation but with a high quality team to compete for a promotion.
My line up was a classic 4-4-2
a sweeper GK / 2 ball playing defenders / 2 wing back / 2 box-to-box middfielders / 2 inverted wingers / 1 advance forward / 1 target man
Results start to appear from game 6. I personally love this formation as it can be super offensive or defensive depending the tasks and players you select.
If the matches required more people attacking, I just simply move the full backs and inverted wingers one step forward and one btob middfielder becomes a defensive middfielder.
Other good formation used was a 3-5-2 but with a good singularity. the central defender was an attacking Libero and I used a player that is natural a half back or defensive middfielder. He has to be strong in defensive tasks and also in passing.
The system to promote to 1st division is very complicated. I managed to be the champion of my zone (2nd division has 2 zones -A and B) and played a final in neutral stadium with the champion of the zone B. After a 1 - 0 victory I completed my main task to bring Ferro back to 1st division.
Unfortunatelly the club has a very deep financial problem and hiring players was a real puzzle. Only terminated contract players with 34-38 years old and in very specific key possitions as contract budget was on the edge.
Franco Cángele was one of my best players hired. Although he was just about to be retired, he managed to make some good assistance and key Goals that made me win some difficult games.
My #9 player (Bordacahar) was the top scorer.
Now we must manage our badget, make some sells and pray to be competitive.
Thanks for reading
#57202 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
I don't know how to make them, so I can't even say one bad thing about your work. It's excelent for me!
Thanks a lot!
#57002 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
It should say "Bridgestone" instead of "Santander"
Thanks again!!!!
#56813 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
Please, see attached how they look now
#55553 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!