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#136432 team chants
#136370 FM14 Match Ball Pack
I only managed to make a template of http://www.cssc.co.uk/web/MultimediaFiles/classic-football.jpg and then design/render from there, takes ages though.
#136369 Match Ball Graphics
Git i spend ages making the same at this, the lineup on the pacman render is fecking nightmare.. i shoulda waited....
Looks awesome.
#135754 Wkd Nets..
RAR FILE Download - https://www.mediafire.com/?j19c9luvvtctnsz
Open, Pick one (jpgs are in each file from in game as above) That net file needs to go into Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2014\data\sigfx\props\goalpost
If you want to keep the original one then back it up or move it.
Have Fun. (Note: for those who know how to use gimp, pick a netting pattern and have a messabout with somew gradient fills, you get some great stuff).
MY LIBRARY OF FM 14 STUFF - http://tinypic.com/a/2v0c2/4
#132589 Match Ball Graphics
exibit A - http://s5.tinypic.com/x0ptmv_th.jpg
However, does anyone know what the other ball_specular file effects in game, i' can amend the one with the pattern as shown but no one seems to know what the other does in game?
Anyone here know
#128214 Blurry Image
#127713 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
ID : 2062002128
Or can someone make me this "just the badge shape not the square" into the above ID
#127710 Small logo - version (Custom)
#124324 Small logo - version (Custom)
I've done the same thing for the smaller version of the badge using FXLML program as well but it wont appear..
#124140 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
I've done the same thing for the smaller version of the badge using FXLML program as well but it wont appear..
I've just create a New - Normal folder with the badge and FXL file, and then the same for small..
any help?
#109731 FM14 Officially Announced
I was gonna wait till all the inital bugs, patches and packs were available before ordering but i might buy it on preorder and then just play a few throw away leagues in the beta stage and the intial period afterelease till all the bugs are patched..