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#356313 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Cheers mate. Thanks to Mons too. I have manged to locate the file and I am up and running.
#356160 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#315432 Wannachupbrew FM16 v1.2.1
#233721 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
They are magic - thanks to everyone for their help.
#233518 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
Cheers mate, that has helped.
I can now see ad boards featuring Castrol, Coca Cola, Subaru etc. Mind you there are still some default Football Manager and Movember ads showing. I will try and get a screen print so you can see them . I am trying to use club ads at the moment for Strasbourg.
Edited to add. Much the same as Cloughie's pic in the post above.
#233441 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
I am having some problems getting the ad boards to appear. The FM defaults are still showing and I would be grateful if you can help out.
Currently I have the ads saved using the following file path:
1) - My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/Graphics/Pictures/ads - In this file I have all the ad files such as south america, worldwide, oceania etc.
I made another file for the config files and the directory is listed below:
2) My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/ads/clubadboards/fm
After doing all this I loaded up the game and followed the steps you detailed above, however, they do not load up.
Go to the 'display' tab and untick 'use skin cache'
tick 'reload skin on confirm'
untick 'clicking on an ad board takes you to its owners website'
Go to the 'general' tab and set size of text & images to 100% (if not already)
Confirm these changes
Reload FM15
I'm sure there is probably something simple I am missing here but I can't think what. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Cheers in advance.
#233439 Steklo X5
#189795 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Thanks in advance.
#19843 Steklo X3 v1.2
I'm having a similar problem and like youself I like having just the commentary on display, with full screen replay popping up when a goal is scored. At the moment the screen is split into four sections with the pitch in the background. I'm sure there is a way to remove these four sections (when a match is being played) but for the life of me I can't seem to get rid of them. Any help would be appreciated.
#16488 Steklo X3 v1.2
However, like a couple of other people have mentioned once loaded my other graphic files such as logos and player pictures have disappeared. I'm sure it will be something simple that I'm missing.
Anyway, great work Tom