Van der Cincar - Comments

#20914 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Van der Cincar
13 years ago
1 month ago
Hi everybody.Can you help me please ? I need an information about the version of megapack that I have...Last year i was downloading megapack,peace by peace...owerwriting and updating the existing megapack version in the game...My problem is that I stop playing the FM this spring...and now i don't have a clue which version of megapack I have ? And I don't wont to start from scrach downloading it...The version I have in the c;\users\documents\SI\FM...have a 109446 files/images...and a config file is a 8 mb (8,000,673) size...Does anybody knows which version do I have ? I think that the latest version I was downloaded and updated is 4,8,but I don't know...