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#680243 Manager profile pic after latest update
SI have become complacent, lazy and arrogant. The line I've seen taken by Miles has often been “Don't like it, build your own game” The lack of decent competition in the genre has harmed it no end.
As you say, we only really buy the database. Almost everything else that goes into the game; kit, face, logo, tweaks and fixes are all fanmade and the game is unplayable, immersion wise, nowadays without it. Even Zeeland's newgan pack has become essential as the regens seem to get worse with each iteration. The fan made stuff really does blow the half assed attempts by SI out of the water.
#680226 Manager profile pic after latest update
If the generated managers and players didn't look so terrible it wouldn't be an issue. But the lack of real pictures really detracts from the immersion. I hope they fix this odd bug soon.
#12883 DF11 Megapack & Updates