Nidis - Comments

#123467 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago

The names of the files are "match titlebar" and "match titlebar score". I tried to download and the names include some numbers (%)...I don't know why. Change those names and overwrite the other with the same names in 1.4 version.
Tell me if the problem is solved.

Its all good now.was my mistake first time around I only took one file of the pair.
I think you should put them in the first post for those with lower resolutions.

thank you again for the skin and all the help.Im settling down on the current version no more problems,its 99.9 % perfect anyway.
#123329 [FM2014] Better Than Default Panels
13 years ago
11 years ago
It would be realy great if you can add the pre match and post match pannels with stadium pics.
#123225 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
Your scren is too small. You have to use the scoreboard out of the match titlebar.
Use this:

Your text to link here...

tried no scoreboard
#123198 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
how do I fix this?
no score board.
#121347 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
the FM button on the right when you press it with original skin there besides save game,preferences and so on you have detail level.
its propobly becouse yours if fmc detail level is not there.
not a problem imo,you tune this only few times during a cariere so a skin switch to tune and back to yours solves it.
#121108 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
one thing I noticed,the option "detail level" is missing.
BTW if someone still has it please upload the old version of tactics overview panel(before 1.3).
I tried to edit the new for bigger kits and it doesnt fit well no metter what values you use.
#120026 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
had a diffrent line in my (tactics overview pane).It was :<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="3,-1" alignment="top,extend" offset="-5" gap="0"/> changet it arround and it worked,thanks.the oppoment table was compressed a bit but its ok.

now here is the gk polygon screen
again it depends on the resolution,on some it shrinks on some it disappears.gk only,players are fine.

BTW the camera zoom in 3d depends on the resolution too.with the low ones you get the zoom.I use 1280x1024 and the close camera is like in the original game.
#119694 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
I know its resolution issues but would be greatfull if you tell me what to edit in order to fix:
1)small kits in tactics screen
2)shrinked attributes polygon in GK attributes screen
#117437 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
changed the resolution its all sorted out now.can see only a small bug in finances->general,where the sponsors are listed there is text on top of other text.

noticed that in news->headlines section I get player picture with the stadium in the back general news no pics.
is it possible to add the same graphics to general news?
#117334 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
here they are(bugs):
*also something strange sometimes happens.the close camera dies for a while and tv camera works instead even though close is the setting.
it sorts itself out during the match.dont know if its the skin but it first accured after the skin was added.
#117273 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
some thoughts:
panels between highlights can be redesigned imo cos some of the info does not fit.
team instructions do not show proper in tactics menu,maybe moove some panels around to make space.
in the team instructions some letters do not fit.

thanks again,best skin for me in fm ever.
#117221 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
#115591 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
13 years ago
11 years ago
there is no download link i can find.anyway i suppose it would take a while to fix all the bugs so there is one request:
help to activate the stadium pics on the default skin,many people hoping for this.