dangoodyhammer - Comments

#609332 OPZ Elite 2021 [v.21.3.5]+mini
12 years ago
1 month ago
Just a quick note, love this skin, thank you.

One issue I have is the match screen, keeps showing dark red when it shouldn't. Little example is attached.

Any idea why?
#512944 Ineligible Loan
12 years ago
1 month ago
Nothing I don’t think. I’ll send a screen shot when I get home tonight
#512941 Ineligible Loan
12 years ago
1 month ago
I have a young player on loan from Barcelona for first season in Championship. He was class. Renewed the loan for a further season in Prem. 

when it came to registering him it shows as ineligible?? He is my best player. 
I can’t send him back, he earns £26k a week which is above the required £8k. 

I have other players on loan that were with me last year and renewed and had no problems. 
I even went on holiday in the hope my AM would select him but he didn’t. 
any ideas?
#461374 Nocturno Skin for FM18
12 years ago
1 month ago
Hi, does anyone know whether this has been made for FM19? Loved it last year