scottthecanuck - Comments

#25953 fmXML for PC
13 years ago
12 years ago
By scottthecanuck | Permalink | On 22 November 2012 - 16:01 PM
I am following the directions but it only creates a "text" file and my manager pic does not load. What am I doing wrong?


I can't believe that despite checking the UID number a dozen times I still got it wrong. It works fine now, thanks for the solution!
#25951 How to Retain your Manager Picture
13 years ago
12 years ago
By scottthecanuck | Permalink | On 22 November 2012 - 15:57 PM
I downloaded FM XML and I am following the directions but everytime I select "go" it creates a "text" document. My manager picture does not load. What am I doing wrong?


Can't believe despite checking the UID number a dozen times I still got it wrong. It works fine now. Thanks for the solution!
#25880 fmXML for PC
13 years ago
12 years ago
I am following the directions but it only creates a "text" file and my manager pic does not load. What am I doing wrong?
#25879 How to Retain your Manager Picture
13 years ago
12 years ago
I downloaded FM XML and I am following the directions but everytime I select "go" it creates a "text" document. My manager picture does not load. What am I doing wrong?