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#798837 FC’12 England – Non-League 2023/24
Rochester United (29106543) away kit does not display in game. I am using latest kit pack and latest KKC. Thank you.
#798836 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Rochester United (29106543) away kit does not display in game. I am using latest kit pack and latest KKC. Thank you.
#798835 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Great work guys, thank you.
#778707 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Just another thank you for this amazing work guys
#778694 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Editor Data folder is empty when downloading complete SS24 kit pack…
#778690 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
hammer is there no kkc file any more? I just downloaded SS24 megapack and editor files folder is empty.
#766948 FC’12 England – Isthmian League Division One South East 2023/24
Herne Bay away kit not showing in game.
I'm using latest version of the pack and kkc.
Can you fix it?
#766477 FC’12 Nations – UEFA 2023/24
Lovely work
#764230 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Thank you Baba and team!
#763076 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
bolid is our hero
#763024 FM24 Japan Database Fix
What a hero johnloch
#763022 FC’12 Wales – Cymru Premier League 2023/24 [v2.0]
Ooops... Error 404
Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist.
#762925 FC’12 Brazil – Serie B 2023
Duplicate - was one meant to be Serie A/C?
#762924 FC’12 Brazil – Serie B 2023
Duplicate - was one meant to be Serie A/C?
#762602 FC’12 Portugal – 1.Liga BetClic 2023/24
I think you've answered your own question 🙂
#762478 FC’12 Portugal – 1.Liga BetClic 2023/24
Just started a Portugal save and all kits showing nicely for me so packs are working fine.
#762136 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Thank you chief.
Although my question is a general one: does this pack remove kits or just change colours?
#762130 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Is this pack meant to remove displaying third kits when there is no third kit to display?
#761315 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 for FM24 [v1.7] Final Data Update Compatible
Thank you!!
#758131 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 [v1.3]
How many days after the editor is released can we expect an FM24 file to fix kit colours? Not hassling! Just be nice to have an idea so I know whether to wait to start a long term save 🙂
#756958 FC’12 Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
I have used SS kits for over ten years but for FM24 I am moving to FC12. I have only just found about FC12 kits and the number of packs and the dedication is amazing 🙂 By the end of today I will have downloaded all 23/24 packs - that is how excited I am!
I wanted to ask do you also plan to do International kits for 23/24?
#756932 New Submission system for SS' Kits
Nice one, thank you sir.
#756771 New Submission system for SS' Kits
How do we fix kit colours / KKC / FMF with new download system? All that I see is kits, no FMF files.
#676989 England - English Leagues Level 7-13 SS'2021/22 Relink! (13/11/22)
What you do for this community is outstanding mate. Enjoy your break.
#665901 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2021/22 Relink! (27/02/22)
Nice one
#665271 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
Default third showing:
Aurora Pro Patria 1919 (Italy Serie C)
A.C. Trento S.C.S.D. (Italy Serie C)
Virtusvecomp Verona (Italy Serie C)
A.S. Gubbio 1910 (Italy Serie C)
Imolese Calcio 1919 (Italy Serie C)
Kit colours wrong:
A.C.R. Messina S.S.D. (Italy Serie C)
#664547 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
Ok I can't say any more. You might remember in previous years I have raised issues and you've said it's working but then I've been proven right. Hopefully at some point it works itself out.
#664543 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
#664542 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
#664534 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
Just downloaded kkc again and started new game and still problem.
Next time you upload kkc please include most recent Lithuania 21-22 241121.fmf that you have.