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#780921 Rules Premier League International Cup S'23/S'21
Im really new to this but since you guys have been creating rules in databases Files i am wondering if it is not possible for all the experience you have to fix a bug that is affecting Portuguese Teams!
As i could saw and after a lot of investigation this bug create B teams for the International FA cup s'21 is a reserve teams cup, in real live portuguese official B teams participate in that cup normally Benfica sporting Porto Braga, teams that allready have a B team, playing in portuguese second division and below, but that competition doesnt use this teams instead it create new ones. and you will have 2 B teams in your game what is not cool because one of the squads only play in that competition.
I leave this challenge to your great minds.
I fix it by eliminating that competition from pre game editor but is not a solution. Thank you