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#635260 Refund a Recurring Subscrption
Jamie Wilkinson
Hi, I emailed [email protected] as well as PM'd you @Footygamer but I haven't received a response as of yet. Could I please get a refund for the recurring payment that was taken out on May 12th? Cheers.
#517855 Refund Premium Membership
Jamie Wilkinson
Is it possible to get a refund of £10 for premium? I’ve just woke up to being billed and didn’t realise it was a pre-approved payment. I don’t even have FM this year so it’s pretty useless for me.
#233781 Question about your attributes as a manager.
Jamie Wilkinson
#208457 Question about your attributes as a manager.
Jamie Wilkinson
As most of you probably know in FM15 you get to choose your past experience as a footballer and your coaching qualifications, my question is, I've noticed you can ask the board to go on a coaching course to increase your attributes (if you picked anything less than a continental pro license), will there be a way to get the attributes that you lose out on if you don't pick international past experience? I mean I picked no past experience as I want a challenge, but I don't want to be stuck with working with youngsters - 3 and attack coaching - 1 for example as I work my way up.