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#499712 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Mr. Fawlty
#499434 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Mr. Fawlty
Quick question regarding logos, in FM20 there are a number of small club logos which differ from the ones in the metallic pack. Eg, in this table Lazio, Genoa, Milan, Napoli etc. I'm guessing these are the default SI logos they've got the licenses for.
Was wondering if there was any specific files to delete (edt, inc, etc) in order to get rid of them so that the small metallic logos show up? Metallic pack working fine otherwise, large logos for example correspond to the ones in the pack.
#472048 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Mr. Fawlty
#121018 Germany - 2.Liga SS'2013/14
Mr. Fawlty
#120304 Germany - 3.Liga SS'2013/14
Mr. Fawlty
#93133 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
#90167 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
#88137 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
#87314 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
(It would be grand if you could do one with the usual Valencia crest and not the black one)
Many thanks in advance!
#87313 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
#83274 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
#83236 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
#54840 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
#53128 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
#51888 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
A big thank you in advance.
#290952 Craig Hunter - A Celtic Odyssey
Mr. Fawlty
To start, a few screenies detailing how the save has progressed thus far.
2017/18 SPL Table
SPL History
UEFA Champions League History
Scottish Cup History
Scottish League Cup History
FIFA Club World Cup History
UEFA Super Cup History
Nextgen U19 Series History
FIFA World Cup History
UEFA European Championship History
Top Celtic Goalscorer Season By Season (All competitions)
All Time Best XI (Celtic)
Managerial History
Hall Of Fame
#38915 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
Preston North End:
Home kit: I'm thinking of a modernized version of this kit. A plain white Umbro template, navy blue Umbro logo, and a plain white collar similar to the collar on the Everton 3rd ss kit.
For the crest I'm thinking of the old Tom Finney era one, this is the best example I could find.
For the away and the third kit, exactly the same colours/crests as the current puma kits (away, third) but done with the Umbro template. It would be good if the two didn't have the stripes across the chest/shoulder and were just plain. The necks on the away and the third should be collarless with a thin pink/navy band like the puma kits. Use this logo for the away/third sponsor.
Also, on all three kits, I'd like the red rose of Lancaster in the middle of the breast between the Umbro diamond and the club crest.
A huge thank you to whoever can do it.
#32126 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
A belated thank you, once again
#20902 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
Would you also be able to do Athletic Club's (Bilbao) 12/13 home and away kits?
#20407 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
I only ask as the default SI textures are dreadful, the blue is far too light.
#19406 SS 12-13 Download Pack update thread
Mr. Fawlty
#19377 SS Kits Colours Changes Final version [v12.3 - released 01/10/13]
Mr. Fawlty
About time I supported the site with a premium membership anyway though, considering all of the great stuff I've gotten from here over the years!
#18327 SS Kits Colours Changes Final version [v12.3 - released 01/10/13]
Mr. Fawlty
#18229 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
#17788 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Mr. Fawlty
The black socks present on the default SI textures are a bit of an annoyance at the moment!
#17763 Some kits not working? new SSKCC v12.3 for FM13 [30/09/2013]
Mr. Fawlty
#17685 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
#15455 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Mr. Fawlty
What I have in mind is essentially this seasons Celtic home kit (12/13) with the anniversary crest, but with the traditional longer/wider hoops (6 green and 5 white), without any sponsors logo, and with a black Umbro diamond replacing the Nike logo.
For the away kit, I'd like to have this seasons (12/13) Celtic away kit exactly as it is now, but with a white Umbro diamond replacing the Nike logo, and this sponsor's logo replacing the Tennents logo.
A big thank you in advance to anyone willing to help me out!
#12372 Please delete
Mr. Fawlty