barton164 - Comments

#275205 League of Leagues
13 years ago
4 months ago
#241050 League of Leagues
13 years ago
4 months ago
Hi Everyone,

i am currently considering creating a custom database which would consist of roughly 20 teams in a brand new league.

Each team would consist of a squad of 28 players from each league, the best players from each league at the start of the 14/15 season.

so for example you would have a BPL team vs La Liga team and so on.

I'v started the topic just to see if there would be much interest and for any suggestions with regards to league format etc.

If there is a lot of interest we could run a voting system for which players get the call up to there respective teams.

so far for obvious reasons transfers would not be possible, this is to prevent players joining teams representing other leagues.

I realise that this could only really work for one maybe two seasons, however i think this would be an interesting a fun new way of playing FM.

any comments, suggestions or feedback please let me know.