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#28320 Best impact sub/quickest Hat-Trick Hero you've had..?
I was having a mess about with United for the first time this season and managed to draw would could be perceived as a potential group of death in the Champions League.. (Manchester United, Borussia Dortmund, Paris Saint Germain and Benfica)
Anyways, I managed to top the group with a dominant 15 point haul and this was partly due to this great effort by RVP
Anybody else had a player bag a hat-trick in such a manner, or had as much of a game-changing influence?
#28318 Lost The Passion
How about Leverkusen? I won the league first season with them myself.. Some great players like Andre Schurrle, Lars Bender and Sidney Sam! Also somewhat surprisingly they have never won the Bundesliga in their existence so the challenge is definitely there.. their finances are pretty poor and deteriorate throughout the season but after winning the Bundesliga I was given around 20m for the 2nd season.. I was beaten in the Europa League final by Spurs on penalties too, so if you get your tactics right you could probably take them further than I did.. I could do a few screenies if you'd like!