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#216453 Snow Cloak
FC Helsingor is a semi-professional club from Denmark, playing currently on Danish Second Division East. In the fisrt few seasons, I plan on taking this club the highest possible, maybe even becoming a title contender. Unless a big offer arrives, I want to develop the club's training grounds in order to make it a reference in the country and then in Europe.
As soon as I arrived at Helsingor, the chairman met me for the first introduction to my new club. The club aims to get close to the top of the table despite some financial instability. The chairman gave me freedom to work and we seem to be on the same waveleght. After lunch, I met with my staff and got a report from my assistant manager that allowed me to get a first overview about the squad.
I found a not so balanced squad, but there is an excellent core of players. The midfield possesses two 4.5 star players that happen to fit perfectly in my tactics and playing style. There are excellent players in the left wing and forward line as well. On the other hand, the GKs are quite poor and we're going to need new ones if we want to aim high this season.
There is also a partnership with Nordsjaelland, which is fantastic since we can get a lot of quality players on loan to improve the overall squad quality.
The first step from now on will be to build a balanced squad to try to fight for promotion. After that, the plan is to make the club professional so we can start focusing on training our own players. Hopefully, we can get these targets in 2-3 seasons.