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#184671 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
1. Home kit
Can I have it exactly as below, except the Adidas logo being lowered and brought in line with the Utd logo on the right, and the four white blocks under the arms removed as well.
2. Away kit
Exactly as below except can I have a red Adidas logo instead of the red Nike tick?
3. Third kit
Could I have the two blue kits third and fourth from the left, with an Adidas logo and Chevrolet logo, instead of Nike and AON? However, if you feel this is too much for a request and can only make one of the blue ones, can I have the one which is third from the left called "alternate"?
I just want to say many thanks in advance, I appreciate the time it would take to do this, and if I could do it myself I would.