AdeBFC - Comments

#244186 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?
12 years ago
1 month ago
Will do.

Starting a new game today so shall post up as soon as possible.
#238400 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?
12 years ago
1 month ago
Just an update to anyone else having this problem, if you leave the overview pages before you start a match to a completely different page, for example the "home" page, when you click on the back arrow to go back to the match overview screens it will have updated the kits at the top of the screen.

It seems to get stuck but on reload it clears and updates.
#238022 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?
12 years ago
1 month ago
I had that when I used the logo to kit mod.
Ended up reverting back to logos as it annoyed me too much

Ahh ok, so i've taken all of the files out of the panels folder to revert back to normal, how did you get the logo's to show? Has anybody else had the same issue as us with the kits sticking?
#237431 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?
12 years ago
1 month ago
Hi guys,

Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, i've down a bit of trawling through the forums to see if i could find anything on this but haven't found anything...

The small kits on my title bar during a game seems to have frozen? anybody else had this? So my example is i'm managing in Latvia's 2nd division, played away against a team in blue, and in game it showed the kits correctly. The next game i was at home against a team in yellow however the kits still remained from the previous game (i looked to be away against a team in blue!) and have stayed like this since. Anybody else had this? I am using the default FM15 skin by the way.

So i guess this gets to my second point, which skins are you all using that are compatible with the SS kits and the Metallic Logo's? I was just going to try this to see if it resolved the kits on the title bar issue.
#234523 England - Conference North SS'2014/15 New! (08/11/14)
12 years ago
1 month ago
Si / Hammer!

Well played between the two of you for solving the AFC Fylde kit!

Cheers guys
#234518 Some kits not working? SSKCC15 v4.8 for SS'2014/15 kits on FM15 only [16/09/2015]
12 years ago
1 month ago
Hammer you legend!

AFC Fylde away is working!!
#233584 Some kits not working? SSKCC15 v4.8 for SS'2014/15 kits on FM15 only [16/09/2015]
12 years ago
1 month ago
Good old Fylde keeping SI on their toes haha

Whooa whooa whooa sweet Fylde of mine!
#233543 England - Conference North SS'2014/15 New! (08/11/14)
12 years ago
1 month ago
Was same for me I downloaded again, replaced files and now it shows in game

After seeing this i downloaded again and replaced the files but it still doesn't show on my game. I firstly reloaded my last save, that didn't work, so i tried a new game and that didn't work either, just for information.
#233023 England - Conference North SS'2014/15 New! (08/11/14)
12 years ago
1 month ago
is just me or AFC Fylde away shirt doesn't appear? exist on the folder but not in the game

Yeah, i have the same issue, i think hammer9 is looking into it already, all the rest of the Conference North are showing correctly.
#232446 Some kits not working? SSKCC15 v4.8 for SS'2014/15 kits on FM15 only [16/09/2015]
12 years ago
1 month ago
Great work Hammer!

Please could you look at the AFC Fylde (Conference North) Away kit, it shows as the default kit?. I've checked the config xml and all looks well on that front. All of the other Conference North kits show correctly. I am not using any modified skin, just the default FM15 skin.

#89890 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
12 years ago
1 month ago
By hammer9 | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 20:07 PM
no...i have relink both grupo 1 and 2 on Feb need replace on Grupo 2 (feb 24th)..old one to removed, go get download this Grupo 2 (Feb 24th) ok

YEEESSS!!! You are the winner sorry the name of the file threw me, I was looking for a Segunda file and it was a Tercera, you have no idea how crazy I was going looking to get that working! Apologies for all the questions! Even though I'm still bitter over your play off win against us, that was a massive help!! Cheers!!
#89874 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
12 years ago
1 month ago
By hammer9 | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 19:03 PM
i notice thats you download Spanish Segunda Grupo 2 on Jan 8th, you need remove them....becuase i have relink last Feb 24th thats why i fixed remove your Spanish Segunda Grupo 2.....close everything...then open and get download.....and please show me again with lists of Spain league ok understand....?

Spanish Segunda Grupo 1 was relinked by you on the 24th Feb and I have that working fine, that's quality!! Grupo 2, when downloaded shows jan 8th, could the link be wrong?
#89814 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
12 years ago
1 month ago
By hammer9 | Permalink | On 21 July 2013 - 15:45 PM
i think better if you remove SSKCC and Spanish Segunda grupo 2 pack......then get download both of them again....then open FM13, must reload skin first before start a game.

Ok redownloaded both files, and installed correctly, reloaded skin in preferences, started a new game and no different?? I literally have no problem with any other pack from the big old list of SS 12/13 kits, I'm going to download the new pack in the file, I think it's an Iceland one and see if that works, I'm guessing it will so ill try again with the elusive Spanish Segunda Grupo 2!

Just an update with some attached screenshots of what i've downloaded to where, after downloading i reloaded the skin in preferences before starting a new game and as you can see, still no kits

**FFS! the screenshot of the pick a team screen hasn't worked, but it honestly does still show the default kits!***
#89406 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
12 years ago
1 month ago

great jobs on the kits! i have a weird scenario though. I have downloaded the Spanish Segunda grupo 2 pack (one with Alaves in it) along with all of the other Spanish Segunda Grupos 1, 3 and 4. All kits show in the game apart from the whole of the Segunda grupo 2. I have already installed the new kit colour changes dbc and started up a new game. I also did a bit of a check with regard to an example Team ID (Alaves are 1688) matching it to the metallic logo which appears correctly in both Config files. Is there anything else i can check?? Baffled!!