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#770335 Stato Skin FM24 Full Version
Hi @Stato_M top job on the skin, love it. Please could you let me know the files to delete? I was going to try and do the same as @UNRECOMMENDABLE but have no idea where to start. Excellent skin though 🙂
#769509 Stato Skin FM24 Full Version
I thought you were going to say that, lol!. I think the colour fix file has competition id's and the RGB numbers? So did you get hold of the relevant competition ids somehow? I figured if i can add them to the colour fix file i can make them “not white”
#769389 Stato Skin FM24 Full Version
@UNRECOMMENDABLE How did you go about altering the colours, did you do it in the colour fix file Stato told us to add? Got this issue as also using the Tier 10 db.
#735469 Kyoto Stadium
Apologies, any idea what i'm doing wrong? I still see the old stadium in game
#733856 Kyoto Stadium
Sorry to be a pain, Sanga have changed their ground and now play out of Sanga Stadium by Kyocera, it was completed in 2020. Apologies, i don't have a proper picture to add, but the wiki page for the ground has a great picture of the inside!
#696144 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
Worked like a charm @footygamer thanks for your help!!
#696062 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
@footygamer cheers for the info. Can you delete my subscription from Paypal then, it says it is paused and to contact you 🙂
#695965 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
@Footygamer I had to update my paypal card as it expired and missed the payment. Updated now so should be able to take subscription and be Premium again. Cheers!
#659167 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Sorted it!! Cheers for the help Flut
Just need to figure out how to change the colour of the date / time on the top bar (sometimes the white on white, for say England, i can't see the date)
Brilliant work on the skin though, love it!!!
#658952 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Cheers Flut! Will have a go at the changing of the height and place of the numbers on the kit, just struggling with the SS kits.
So do i basically copy across all of my SS Kits from my Graphics folder that is used in the SI skin?
Apologies for not following, this is the first FM i've been so in depth with skins! Used to just throwing a load of logo's and kits in folders and them working haha!
Also, how do i adapt these kits for your Flutskin?
#657681 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Love this skin!! Quick question though, and apologies if i've missed it somewhere in the thread, but how do i rectify the kit situation? I have SS kits downloaded in Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\graphics as per usual, and have used the Alt file in the skin for SS kits. Why do the kits not show in the player profile panel? and how do i fix the number situation?
Apologies again if i've missed something?
#518312 League One - Still 23 teams?
Obviously in 19/20 a team gets a bye because of Bury (RIP) but it happens the year after too?! Figured i would do a bit of snooping about and League 1 still only has 23 teams? I thought that this would revert back to 24 the next season with more promotions from Non League etc to make up the full compliment of teams?
Is League One forever going to be 23 teams in FM20? Should this have reverted?
I am not playing any special database with lower levels etc either.
ps. Before anybody asks i did definitely win my 4th round qualifying fixture haha 3-2 v Woking!
#365035 TheFMEditor Transfer Updates 25/2/2017
#364645 TheFMEditor Transfer Updates 25/2/2017
Anybody got any ideas as to why this won't work for me? I get an error with regard to the Walter C Parson Cup needing 20 or 19 teams, how do i get around this??
#364456 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
Cheers mons! was going to add the line in myself, but can't figure out whether the line of code above the pic is Fylde's ID as everything else i have (from FM16, logo's kits etc) has their ID as 8601358 rather than the one beginning with 9006?
#364433 FMC/FMT Stadium Superpack for FM17 [New pack released for FM17]
Seen some kind soul put up the new AFC Fylde ground earlier in the year, am i right in thinking this is not in the current pack as of yet? Top work btw
#326283 Brazilian Club Names
Yep this sorted it, cheers for the reply mons, much appreciated.
This case is definitely closed! sorry everyone!
#326278 Brazilian Club Names
Got a weird one here, for some reason, all of my Brazilian club names have turned into shortened 3 letter codes apart from Flamengo, which still says Flamengo. For example Gremio says GRE etc. This is happening when it should show the full name, on league tables, pick club screens etc. This runs right the way through from Brasileirao A right down to Brasileirao C.
I've tried different skins and it still happens. I've tried to get a screenshot but for some reason it saves as a html page.
Any help would be great, apologies if this is in the wrong forum too
#320461 England - Vanarama Conference North 2015/16 - Relink (Updated!)
Oh and Suffolk....#NAPM #footballfirst
#318734 SS 15/16 W.I.P. Thread
Any update on the Vanarama North / South kits?
#315733 TheFMEditor Transfer Updates. Brand New 2016/2017 Update. 18th June 2016
I have gathered all of the info / kit colours / formed dates / cities and logos (for some clever person to make into the metallic logos if possible?)
I have it all on a spreadsheet ready to go if needed?
#314027 [FM16][SKIN]Alavanja 16 Probase
Definitely a great skin! I too would like to figure out a regen-face height fix, playing in English level 11 so most of my team is regen! I saw on FM Scout it was part of the alavanja player positions indicator small horizontal.xml file that would need updating but i can't figure out what?!
#313167 1366 x 768 recommendation
All of these custom skins are all great, however they are all tried, tested and created for 1900 x 1200 size screens.
Can anybody, who maybe uses a 1366 x 768 resolution, or any screen smaller than the 1900 x1200 size recommend an alternative skin than the FM default?
I tried the FLUT skin but half of the panels merge because of my resolution, i'm currently using Wannachupbrews skin which is great, but does anybody have any other skins they use on this resolution?
#276210 Dom Telford
Has joined Stoke Under 21 squad from Blackpool
#276209 Dom Telford
Has joined Stoke Under 21 squad from Blackpool
#276208 Dom Telford
Has joined Stoke Under 21 squad from Blackpool
#273796 STEVE85/FMN85 2015 Transfer Update + Level 11 English leagues
#244815 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?
Cheers for the confirmation Daz, how does everyone else get around it? use a different skin etc?
#244563 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?
So, playing as AFC Fylde i get a pre-season friendly against Stenhousemuir, the kits are shown correctly in the top bar, on the left hand side.
Then, I have a second friendly I am about to start against Queens Park, note the different kit for Queens Park, however at the top of the screen the kits from the last friendly still appear.
To solve it, each match i have to go back to a screen that does not include that title bar, for instance, the home button.
and then go back to my match, whether this is before the game or during the game, it doesn't matter, but the correct kits then show.
It seems like there is some kind of refresh missing within the code that would refresh this bar automatically for each game.
Hope this helps?
#244447 Title Bar Kits in Match / SS compatable skins?