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#755769 Tactical help
i have these 2 lads in my team.
Normally, Doak play on the right and Dakriet on the left but I really want Dakriet to be more present in the build-up and I thought about playing him as RCM and Doak as RW.
My idea is would be to keep Doak as wider as possible to create space for Dakriet. Doak is right-footed and Dakriet left-footed so I would like to see as often as possible Dakriet dribbling on his left foot towards the center of the field and Doak on his right foot towards the side.
I would like them both to be ready to get the ball at their feet (especially Dakriet) but I would also like them to be able to provide depth and combine well between them.
Can you tell me the roles you will give them? certain individual or even collective instructions to put this system in place? What do you recommend for the right side?