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#26306 J League + J League 2 Database
Expected it will be kinda like in PES. Thats also the reason, why i dont know about more issues, cause fm2013 is my first manager game..^^ But its good to know, that im not the only one whos interested in japanese league!
#26135 J League + J League 2 Database
I checked it and started to play a little.. But i guess something is still wrong with it, cause
1) average age of the players is around 21
2) 5star (ability and potential) players are really cheap and easy to get
3) no real players (doesnt bother me too much though, but 1 and 2 are a real bummer i think)
I dont know ow to change this, but if u really change this u'd be my hero!
#20376 J league
#20374 J League + J League 2 Database
If no (and this case is more likely), when will it be? I wanna play with this league so bad, i'd pay for it to develop!^^ Its more or less the only reason I bought the game..