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#268666 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#268645 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I'm having a strange problem with the pic of Van Persie. I'm in 2016 and he got released from Man U, so I scouted him and in my inbox there is the scouting report with Van Persies pic. However, when I select Van Persies profile the pic disappears, and it is the usual black "picture". His pic then won't appear again, unless I either restart the game or reload the skin. Really strange one, as I also never had any issues with the cut out megapack at all.
#195137 FM 2014 Data update 03Sept 2014
I just noticed that mate. You have to click the "FREE" on the right side of the page when you scroll to the bottom, just next to "PREMIUM".
Gonna give this update a try, hope turkish league doesn't miss some major transfers / new managers.
Didier Drogba still at Galatasaray... and none of the major turkish clubs (Gala, FB, BJK) transfers are accurate, also managers are missing. Didn't check the rest though. I do appreciate the effort mate, but for the moment, this is not a viable update IF you want to play turkish league.
#195132 FM 2014 Data update 03Sept 2014
Why isn't there a simple rar file, that let's you unpack and then copy the files yourself, like in every other data update.
#145150 Steklo X4
It happens when right clicking a player name, the sub menu seems mixed up with unnecessary stuff. I have added two pics: