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#714173 Ad boards
little update on my problem.
i finally got the static and video adboards to work by uploading a new xml file… but now i have a new problem🙃.
When my video adboards start during a match, the game become jerky and my video adboards are replaced by a video adboard that shouldn’t be there.
And it’s always the same video adboard. I don’t understand why. Is this a graphical issue ?
if it’s the case, if i lower the graphics level of the game, will that solve the problem ?
thank’s in advance for your help…
#713829 Ad boards
Oh okay, i’ll send you that this afternoon. But i can confirm you that my structure are in the same place than you…
#713767 Ad boards
I didn’t understand.. wich files structure ?
#713738 Ad boards
The config XML ? If you talk about that, i checked in the detail… i did a test, i played with Brighton, and i checked the config from this club, and everything was okay… but my Abdoards didn’t work and my 3D game was a little jerky
#713730 Ad boards
For my case, everything is in the same place than you…could my graphics car be the problem? It will be weird because for the statics adboards you don’t need to have a very high graphic quality.. and especially my video adboards worked very well on FM2020
#713729 Ad boards
The las FM i played was FM2020, but it worked well.
i don’t know what can be the problem. Graphic problem maybe? Of i use a lower graphic quality, the quality of the matches will really be much lower ?
#713331 AdBoard Pack
Hello everyone,
I’m coming back to you because i can’t put my screens on this page 😏.
But i checked, and all the files concerning static adboards and Videos adboards are put in the right place ( i always did the same since Adboards exists ). I don’t understand why my static adboards are always black, and my vodeos adboards are either also black, or there is something like « Lego Minecraft » instead of my video adboards. It’s super frustrating…
#713011 Ad boards
Hi guys,
i try to have some helps because my adboards statics and Videos don’t work in my FM2023 Game..
however, i just transferred what was needed from FM2020 ( because i don’t have FM2021 and FM 2022 ) to my new FM2023, and when i play, my Adboards Videos and Statics are all black.
Does anyone have the same problem or have a solution ?
Thank you in advance.
#712802 AdBoard Pack
I will send you that! Because it still doesn’t work…
#712396 AdBoard Pack
Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if someone might have some advices to give me or a solution ? It’s so frustrating ..
thanks in advance.
#712124 AdBoard Pack
Yes i have exactly same than you… i transfered everything i needed for Adboards from FM2020 to FM2023…
#712116 AdBoard Pack
Yes of course, i did it as well… but it’s why i don’t understande why i don’t have my Adboards Videos and the adboards static … it always worked before.. they didn’t blocked anything ?
#712112 AdBoard Pack
what do you mean by "update"?
#712087 AdBoard Pack
Yes i don’t understand where can i have a problem. I didn’t update anything, i just took what i had from FM2020 regardind Adboards to FM2023. And i had put everything in the same place. But everything is still black, Adboards Statics and videos, for both, same results… What else could i do ?
#712073 AdBoard Pack
Hi guys,
I have a problem.
I have been playing FM for 15 years, but since FM2020 I had put the game aside.
I decided this year to comeback, so I bought FM2023.
I had read that the Static and video Adboards we used before worked on FM2023.
but in my game, it doesn't work, everything is black, I don't have Adboards videos, or Adboards statics.
can you help me maybe? Does anyone else have this problem?
thank you in advance for your help
#508250 FM19 Adboard Patch - EPL Update Part 2 Out Now!
I have a question.
have you planned to create the video Adboards for each bundesliga clubs soon?
it should be wonderful if it was in your next works
#507846 FM19 Adboard Patch - EPL Update Part 2 Out Now!
Thank you for your help and thank's again for your amazing work
#507704 FM19 Adboard Patch - EPL Update Part 2 Out Now!
Thank you for your quick answer,
Okay Great, but if i Donwload all of that i'll have the different update you did for Season 19/20 ?
For your information ( just if you need to know ) i use FM2020
Thank you
#507615 FM19 Adboard Patch - EPL Update Part 2 Out Now!
It's been a long time that i didn't come here and i saw that you did a lot of ( really good ) work
I would like start a season on Bundesliga an i saw that you did some update, but i don't know where can i download it ?
I don't know how i can know when it is an update or still an Adboard for Season 18/19 .
May someone could help me
Thank's in advance for your help
#479479 FM19 Adboard Patch - EPL Update Part 2 Out Now!
I have a question.
I started a season in French league 1 with PSG, and I realized that adboards statics was not all along the stands. There is a lack everywhere ... would it be possible to have statics adboards throughout the stands?
Thanks in advance for your help.
#447517 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
since a few days I have a problem ...
I use for a few months Videos adboards without ever having a problem.
But for 2-3 days, when I start a game, the first Adboard video appears, and then, nothing happens, the adboard remains fixed, it does not scroll, and other adboards never appear.
I don't understand why because i changed nothing...
Can someone help me?
#445276 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
#427512 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
#427049 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
Thank you
#427048 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
Great, thank you.
I think I never had it during my games because I play with the abdoards videos for the clubs and not for the competitions.
But I couldn't find it in different the packs.
Thank's again
#427015 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
I wanted to know if you could create the video adboard of the premier league, you know the one where you have the logo of the premier league with the colors green, blue, yellow and pink? I don't know if you've already created it, but I've never seen it during my games.
Thank's in advance for your answer
#426840 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
But Where is this config file? I didn't find it ...
Thank's in advance
#426072 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
that's what I tried to do, but I can't even create a simple video adboard, I'll try again.
Pray for me
#425851 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
your two tutorials are just perfect
but unfortunately I can't create these video adboards ... I must be bad with photoshop
#424504 The FM18 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now
Okay, I thought maybe it was in my game ... thanks for the info