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#731551 Football Manager 2009 - Kits Display
This happens because the game tries to load some default kits even though you have the new ones.
You need an .xml file called “kit panel”, and you need to use it (by placing it in the panels folder) for every skin.
I don't remember if I did something else with the resource archiver, maybe I used it to place the panel in the default skins as well, but that's it.
EDIT: I had the browser tab opened and didn't see the previous answers, sorry
#711807 FM09 Skins
Hi everyone!
I'd like to try Football Manager 2009 again, and I was wondering if anyone still had these skins:
I know it's a long shot, but I hope to find someone who will share any of those.
#652140 Retro Kits
@Stevow74 thank you so much!
#651337 Retro Kits
Hi everyone,
I'd really like to get the Roma shirts from season 2001/02.
Some sources:
The Champions League kit is my favourite one:
Btw, I'm starting a career (at least) with the 2001/02 DB, so I'm particularly interested in that season.
I've already found some 2001/02 shirts in the thread, and any other one (especially from that year's Serie A) would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
#249344 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Player ID: 3503860
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 3503860
Player Name: Gervinho
Player ID: 8168166
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 8168166
Player Name: Vasilis Torosidis
Player ID: 688241
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 688241
EDIT (after checking):
Deleted Yanga-Mbiwa and Manolas.
Keita's last improvement is with Valencia's shirt (Feb '14).
Gervinho and Torosidis need an improvement too.
Mons edit - Nothing wrong with the current Keita cut. Roma were already cut earlier this year and I though the resulting Keita cut was not an improvement.
The existing Gervinho and Torosidis cuts were from high-quality World Cup photoshoots, so they don't really need an improvement