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#263878 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
Sandeep Dhadwal
#32270 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
Sandeep Dhadwal
#32039 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
Sandeep Dhadwal
Sandeep Dhadwal - I'm not entirely sure how you've managed to do that Can you try re-downloading the file and extracting it with winrar? If you still can't sort it out, please post a screenshot of the file you've downloaded and any of its contents which you can see.
#32018 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
Sandeep Dhadwal