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#624743 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Hi, could someone update these 3 kits (3D) for FM21:
#376131 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Hi, anything about this:
#374579 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Yeah I have that 'Optional Retina Files' folder too, I just deleted it.
Should I have added it to the pack? If that's the case in what order; I guess on top of Metallic Logos Megapack v0 and before the Updates, right?
Now my problem is with the 'editor data' files, the 'Metallic Logo Update File_44F0E8D5-550D-456B-A29C-A75E7473BF5B' works fine, but the other three give me an error "The data file is incompatible", so I guess they aren't updated. Here are the 'editor data' files if you need to check them: Metallic Logos Megapack v5 (editor data).
I loaded them into the Editor and re-saved them but all three were reduced in size after (the compression option was off):
Club & Comp Updates_BEDDB9DA-B174-4593-8D6E-FF8AACBDDEEE
from 142 KB (146.151 bytes) to 71,7 KB (73.428 bytes)
Metallic Logo Fixes_0E129834-9F51-43B9-9BF2-446D9AF82C49
from 226 KB (231.656 bytes) to 120 KB (123.504 bytes)
Metallic Logos Names Updates_ADE91981-711D-485C-AF2E-1ECFB64A1498
from 116 KB (119.163 bytes) to 65,5 KB (67.086 bytes)
I don't know if that was because there was an error loading them into the Editor or because you guys use a different Editor or something else.
#374472 Image Count: 252736 or 222694
Latest Release: 2017.05 - 11 Mar 2017
Image Count: 252736
But when I check the Properties of the 'pictures' folder it says "222694 files", I downloaded and installed the Full Pack, all 16 parts from 'metallic_logos_fm2017_v0.rar ' up to 'metallic_logos_fm2017_v5_changes.rar '.
Can someone do me a big favor and check if they have the same number of images in the 'pictures' folder as me (222694) or the (252736) that says in the Download page.
Thanks for your time.
#373041 SS 16/17 W.I.P. Thread
Update: Duh, Work in Progress.
#42510 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#41141 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Thanks for your amazing work.
#33215 SS 12-13 Download Pack update thread
Oh, I see is WIP. By the way the Brazil Seria A links are down.